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基于协同过滤算法的用户收集和过滤新闻资讯推荐平台(Java+SqlServer) 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要






The Internet age is an era of information explosion. People can receive a wide range of information from various platforms every day. These information may be of interest to users, and may be disgusting to users. The most efficient way to get the content you need is the general problem. This topic studies the information explosion brought about by the development of technology and demonstrates the necessity of effectively screening information. The main content of this paper is to design and implement an information website to provide information filtering function for users in the Internet age.

This article describes the feasibility of the system and user requirements in detail. The designed information website is positioned as an information platform for users to collect and filter information. It uses collaborative algorithms to capture the latest information based on user preferences, and realizes information display and information. Push, information search and other functions.

This paper takes the basic idea of ​​software engineering as the guiding ideology, divides the requirements research, analysis and project design work of the project into strict stages. At the same time, it uses the object-oriented analysis and design idea to model the use case of the system. The implementation of the system mainly uses Java as the development language, and uses the MySQL database to perform unified management of system information.

Keywords: information explosion; collaborative algorithm; user preference; information screening

目  录

摘  要


目  录

第一章 前言

1.1 课题背景

1.2 课题目的与意义

1.3 本文研究的内容

1.4 论文结构简介

第二章 算法介绍

2.1 算法背景

2.2 算法分类及原理

2.2.1 以用户为基础的协同过滤

2.2.2 以物品为基础的协同过滤

2.3 算法优缺点

2.3.1 以用户为基础的协同过滤的优缺点:

2.3.2 以物品为基础的协同过滤的优缺点:

2.4 算法适用场景

2.5 本章小结

第三章 系统需求

3.1 可行性分析

3.1.1 经济可行性分析

3.1.2 技术可行性分析

3.1.3 社会可行性分析

3.1.4 操作可行性分析

3.2 用户需求说明

3.3 用户界面需求

3.4 管理需求说明

3.5 系统数据模型分析

3.6 系统数据流图

3.7 本章小结

第四章 系统概要设计

4.1 模块设计

4.1.1 模块划分

4.1.2 功能模块图

4.2 数据库设计

4.2.1 数据库物理模型图

4.2.2 数据库存储结构

4.3 本章小结

第五章 系统实现与测试

5.1 系统实现说明

5.2 代码结构

5.2.1 代码结构介绍

5.2.2 代码结构图

5.3 系统实现

5.3.1 推荐功能的实现

5.3.2 爬虫的实现

5.4 系统测试

5.4.1 测试的目的与内容

5.4.2 具体测试说明

5.4.3 测试登录

5.4.4 测试爬虫数据存储

5.4.5 测试资讯相关功能

5.4.6 测试推荐功能

5.4.7 测试结论

5.5 本章小结

结  论


致  谢



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