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摘  要

The Realization of Port Scanning and Detecting Technology
    As the widely applying of Internet, the attacking behavior made by hacker is increasing but not decreasing. How to resist this kind of attacking behavior is always the key point of the domain of the information security.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
    And the port scanning draws people's attention more and more. Port scanning is a usual method which is used by the hacker to collect the information of the target main processor. In order to deal with the invading behavior of the Internet effectively, it is very useful and necessary to work on the port scanning. When an attacker attacks to a target, he or she will firstly gets some basic information about the target, and the port scanning is one of the most simple and important methods which can scan the opening Port of the target machine to make sure the offering service made by the target machine, and it is a preparation to the next attacking. The port detecting seems more and more important referring to the port scanning. As an important task of the secure technique of Internet, the port detecting is of great significance.
    In this thesis, it firstly elaborates the basic principles and usual methods of the port scanning. On this basis, it then designs a program which can scan the Port of the Internet, and assess the opening situation of the target main processor, and the other program which begins on capturing and analyzing the information packet of Internet, and then assess whether there is a behavior about port scanning through statistic analyses. Lastly, it demonstrates and analyses the technology of port scanning and port detecting from the viewpoint of attacking and resisting.

Key Words:port; port scanning; packet capture; port detecting
目  录
1 引言 1
1.1 本课题研究的意义 1http://www.16sheji8.cn/
1.2 本课题的研究方法 2
2 端口扫描概述 2
2.1 基本概念 2
2.2 端口扫描原理 3
2.3 端口扫描技术简介 5
3 检测端口扫描概述 7
3.1 端口扫描检测的分析 7
3.2 普通端口扫描检测技术概述 8
3.3 慢速端口扫描检测技术概述 9
3.4 端口扫描的分布式检测概述 9
3.5 主流的端口扫描工具 11
4 端口扫描的实现 12
4.1 扫描程序的设计原理 12
4.2 程序流程图 12
5 检测端口扫描的实现 13
5.1 检测程序的设计原理 13
5.2 程序流程图 13
5.3 设计实现重点代码 14
6 性能测试 18http://www.16sheji8.cn/
6.1 端口扫描程序性能测试 18
6.2 检测端口扫描程序性能测试 19
结    论 20
参考文献 21
致    谢 22
声    明 23

1 引言


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