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三维模型的网格简化算法研究 毕业论文+任务书+文献综述+中期报告+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+答辩稿+C++项目源码及可执行exe文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





The grid simplification algorithm of 3 D models poses challenges. Many different techniques try to balance the external access efficiency of big data with the simplified quality of the grid. Some methods take only on one thing, while others can do both. The method of this paper can take into account the efficiency of big data access and the simplified quality. Compared with the same type of method, it only needs to process the grid once, and can handle the situation where the output grid cannot be loaded in memory. The method of this paper sharhes the vertices in the grid, and the edge shrinkage operation can keep the topology change within the grid, so that the boundary simplification becomes possible. Within a simplified process, the simplified grid will not have the density inconsistency at the fragmentation boundary, so there is no further processing.

The is shows that the algorithm in this paper can provide simplified quality compared to the memory simplification algorithm in a short time. Based on the original serial monorphic segmentation algorithm, the segmentation method is simplified to reduce the error caused by the bulk data function and improved in parallel. The main contribution of the algorithm in this paper is to provide a complete set of GPU parallel-based octet tree building with minimal edge finding methods. It establishes the octa tree from top down, and when finding the smallest edge, adds the segmentation result of the current layer edge with the new edge and the new edge introduced by the current layer segmentation of the next layer. In practical testing, the algorithm in this paper is able to produce a manifold without selfing adaptive isosurface and achieves high speed-up ratios relative to the serial algorithm when processing large-scale data.

KEY WORDS:  Massive Mesh; Mesh Cutting; Streaming Processing; Simplicial Partition; Parallel Octree

目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 三维模型的网格简化算法

1.2.1 分片简化

1.2.2 使用外部数据结构++

1.2.3 网格批处理

1.2.4 流式简化

1.3 论文的主要内容及章节安排

第2章 基于点分片的三维模型的网格简化

2.1 边收缩操作对边界拓扑结构的自动保持

2.2 算法概述

2.3 LRU缓存系统

2.4 分片文件格式设计

2.5 单个分片的简化

2.6 分片合并

2.7 执行结果

第3章 三维模型的网格简化

3.1 算法概述

3.2 等值面生成过程中终结信息的判断

3.3 生成边界的延伸与模型的简化

3.4 顶点拓扑关系的重建与网格数据结构的设计

3.5 执行结果

第4章 基于八叉树单形分割的并行等值面生成

4.1 算法概述

4.2 自适应八叉树的四面体分割

4.3 对偶点的求取

4.4 八叉树的建立

4.5 最小边的查找

4.6 四面体与等值面生成

4.7 执行结果

结    论


致  谢

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