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A企业10kV380V降压变电站供电系统设计 毕业论文+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要






Based on the principles of economy, energy conservation and reliability, the design of this paper is mainly carried out from two aspects: first, the selection of main equipment and transformer models of the substation. The capacity of the transformer is compared and calculated according to the voltage level and load of the substation. The transformer model is related to the reliability and stability of the power supply system; The second is the short-circuit calculation of the power supply line of the substation distribution system. The purpose of the short-circuit calculation is to determine the selection of the model of the substation distribution system equipment, such as circuit breaker, disconnector, transformer and so on.Substation is the intermediate link between power plant and users, which plays the role of transforming, receiving and distributing electric energy. The power supply design of the factory must be safe, reliable, high-quality and economical in order to serve industrial production, effectively ensure the needs of production and domestic electricity, and do a good job in energy conservation. In addition, in the power supply design, we should reasonably deal with the relationship between local and overall situation, current and long-term. We should not only take care of local and current interests, but also have the concept of overall situation, take into account the overall situation and adapt to development.

This paper is the design of 10kV / 380V step-down substation and low-voltage distribution system. Firstly, the workshop load statistics and reactive power compensation are carried out to determine the main transformer and each workshop transformer; From the aspects of technology and economy, through the comparison of the two schemes, the primary scheme of main wiring with economy, reliability and flexible operation is selected. Secondly, short circuit calculation and equipment selection and verification are carried out; Then, determine the plant power incoming line, bus and high-voltage distribution line. Finally, the secondary circuit scheme, setting relay protection, lightning protection and grounding device are designed. The design results can meet the reliability of power supply in Yangquan machinery factory and ensure the stable operation of electrical equipment in each workshop.

The substation system designed in this paper has certain practicability and advanced nature, and it is expected to provide safe and reliable power supply and high-quality and efficient electric services to local industrial and agricultural production and people's life in Shenyang.


目 录

摘 要


绪 论

1 需求分析

1.1 地区发展情况

1.2 本次设计的内容和要求

1.2.1 10kVA企业负荷情况

1.2.2 其他设计基础资料

2 负荷计算和无功补偿

2.1 负荷计算

2.2 无功补偿

2.2.1 功率因数

2.2.2 功率补偿容量计算

3 变电站的变压器选择

3.1 变压器的选择

3.2 变压器容量的选择

3.3 电力变压器的布置

3.4 变压器台数的选择

4 电气主接线的选择

4.1 电气主接线的概述

4.2 电气主接线的基本要求

4.3 电气主接线的方案选择

4.3.1 主接线方案的初步比较

4.3.2 主接线选择

5 短路电流的计算

5.1 短路电流计算的内容

5.2 短路电流计算

6 电气设备的选择

6.1 导线、电缆线的选择

6.2 高压侧设备选型与校验

6.3开关柜的选择 20

6.4导线截面的选择和校验 20

6.4.1 10kV高压进线和引入电缆的选择

6.4.2 380V低压侧出线选择

6.4.3 作为备用电源的高压联络线的选择校验

7 防雷设施

7.1 避雷针



8 主变压器的继电保护

8.1 保护要求

8.2  保护装置及整定计算

8.2.1 过电流保护动作电流及时间的整定

8.2.2 变压器过电流保护的灵敏系数的检验

8.2.3 装设电流速断保护

8.2.4 作为备用电源的高压联络线的继电保护装置




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