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摘  要

Implementation of the Scheme Interpreter
    Scheme, a function programming language, is the first dialect of LISP to fully support lexical scoping, first-class procedures, and continuations. With perfect design it is very simple, but powerful. And many programming technologies and mathematics theories can be found in it. Programming in scheme, the development efficiency can be enhanced enormously. However, it is very easy to master and use scheme, because its syntax could be learned quickly.
    In the scheme interpreter design, the module design concept has been used fully. After the content of scheme and the structure of interpreter are mastered, the scheme interpreter's structure is designed. And then the interfaces between modules are defined. After all of above are done, these modules and interfaces are implemented one by one.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
    The core of the scheme interpreter is the Virtual Register Machine with a set of supported basic instructions. In the Virtual Register Machine, the memory is managed through vector model with the garbage collection facility. After analyzed by the lexical analyzer, Scheme source codes are parsed into internal list structures. Then these list structures are converted into the basic instructions by evaluator module. And these instructions are executed through registers in the Virtual Register Machine.

Key words: Interpreter; Scheme; Garbage Collection; Virtual Register Machine
目  录


1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究方法 1http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2 Scheme语言 2
2.1 发展历史与现状 2
2.2 Scheme语言介绍 2
2.3 Scheme的特点 3
3 相关理论基础 3
4 解释程序的整体结构 3
4.1 词法分析器 4
4.2 类型系统 4
4.3 循环求值器 4
4.4 虚拟的寄存器机器 5
4.5 内存管理与垃圾回收 5
5 解释程序的实现 6
5.1 类型系统 6
5.2 词法分析 7
5.3 表达式求值的环境模型 7
5.3.1 环境模型 7
5.3.2 环境操作 9
5.3.3过程应用的环境模型 9
5.3.4 环境模型的实现 10
5.4 尾递归 11
5.5 虚拟的寄存器机器 13
5.5.1 寄存器 14
5.5.2 存储模型 15
5.5.3 基本表操作的实现 16
5.5.4 停止并复制垃圾回收算法 17
5.5.5 虚拟的寄存器机器的实现 18
5.6 表达式求值过程 18
6 测试结果 19
6.1 测试尾递归 19
6.2 测试正确性与效率 20
结    论 21
参考文献 22http://www.16sheji8.cn/
致    谢 23
声    明 24
1 引言
  1.1 课题背景


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