The implement on the server of Linux-based remote management system
The main purpose of the topic based on the Linux operating system is to enable remote management of the system administrator more convenient, simple and friendly. The main functions achieved are file operations, command operations, system operations, process operations and network operations, that are basically covers the management of the system in all its aspects. In design terms, it uses the B / S structure, which makes it easy and convenient for users upgrading and visiting from a variety of platforms; it uses the Safe Access technology, which make management and visiting more secure; it uses a simple and beautiful interface display technology that enables the user to browse it fast and comfortable.
The system developed in the topic need be installed on the Linux operating system. System administrators can use the remote browser for landing, after validating successfully, then can facilitate the operation of examining the system state, manage the system, configure network, analysis data. It should be noted that the landing on the system must use the root password of a remote server, and to ensure the safety of the system to prevent accidents, administrators can only operate a specific tasks. The main significance of the topic lies in the using PHP to manage system, and that development of the system will enable the system administrator to facilitate the management of remote system.
Key words: Remote Management; B/S structure; Safe Access; Linux; PHP
目 录http://www.16sheji8.cn/
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 2
2 需求分析 2
2.1 任务概述 2
2.1.1 开发目标 2
2.1.2 开发工具 2
2.1.3 开发环境 3
2.1.4 开发人员 3
2.1.5 运行环境 3
2.1.6 条件限制 3
2.2 功能分析 3
2.3 工作流程 4http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.4 性能分析 5
3 总体设计 5
3.1 系统架构 5
3.2 模块划分 6
4 具体实现 7
4.1 安全访问模块 7
4.2 文件操作模块 10
4.3 命令操作模块 11
4.4 进程操作模块 13
4.5 系统操作模块 14
4.6 网络操作模块 16
5 系统测试 18
5.1 安全访问模块 18
5.2 文件操作模块 18http://www.16sheji8.cn/
5.3 命令操作模块 19
5.4 进程操作模块 19
5.5 系统操作模块 19
5.6 网络操作模块 19
结 论 20
参考文献 20http://www.16sheji8.cn/
致 谢 22
声 明 23
1 引言
1.1 课题背景
远程管理是在网络上由一台电脑(主控端Remote/客户端)远距离去控制另一台电脑(被控端Host/服务器端)的技术,这里的远程不是字面意思的远距离,一般指通过网络控制远端电脑,不过大多数时候我们所说的远程控制往往指在局域网中的远程控制而言。当操作者使用主控端电脑控制被控端电脑时,就如同坐在被控端电脑的屏幕前一样,可以启动被控端电脑的应用程序,可以使用被控端电脑的文件资料,甚至可以利用被控端电脑的外部打印设备(打印机) 和通信设备(调制解调器或者专线等)来进行打印和访问互联网,就像你利用遥控器遥控电视的音量、变换频道或者开关电视机一样。不过,有一个概念需要明确, 那就是主控端电脑只是将键盘和鼠标的指令传送给远程电脑,同时将被控端电脑的屏幕画面通过通信线路回传过来。也就是说,我们控制被控端电脑进行操作似乎是 在眼前的电脑上进行的,实质是在远程的电脑中实现的,不论打开文件,还是上网浏览、下载等都是存储在远程的被控端电脑中的。