摘 要
The Design and Implementation of a Small Search Engine
With the popularization of the Internet and surfing the Net broadband search engine likes a dark horse in China, going to people’s daily life day by day. Before this, when people consult materials the first thought is the library that has a large number of books. Now, more and more people will choose Internet to search for information. It’s more convenient, and accurate for searching information. The search engine that helps us in the whole Internet to quickly identify target information is played more and more attention to.
Through analyzing the current development of search engine in domestic and international, this paper gives a plan that achieves the formidable function, simply operating, stronger versatility and satisfies the users to the information search need, and realizes a systematic scheme of search engine of B/S system structure with the technology of ASP. This paper mainly describes the function and realization of this system, data procedure and storing, back-stage management, etc. And also introduces to the key relevant technology in detail. During this period, I’ve made a lot effort to union the theory and practice, and coordinates with system to explain from practical application and operation skill while explaining various kinds of theories, hope to more fully reflect the knowledge and application in this system of technology and realize.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
Key words: Search Engine; ASP; B/S; Keyword
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 搜索引擎的发展动向 1
2 系统所用技术分析 2
2.1 系统开发环境 2http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.2 B/S结构 2
2.3 IIS简介 2
2.4 Microsoft Access简介 2
2.5 ASP简介 3
3 系统结构设计 3
3.1 数据库设计 3
3.2 系统功能模块图 5
4 系统前台模块设计 6
4.1 网站搜索及图片搜索模块的实现 6
4.1.1 功能描述 6
4.1.2 流程图 6
4.1.3 界面设计 6
4.1.4 工作流程和代码设计 7
4.2 分类目录模块的实现 9
4.2.1 功能描述 9
4.2.2 代码设计 9
4.3 网站登录模块的实现 10
4.3.1 功能描述 10
4.3.2 数据流程图 11
4.3.3 工作流程 11
4.4 网站修改模块 12
4.4.1 功能描述 12
4.4.2 界面设计 13
4.4.3 工作流程 13
5 系统后台模块设计 14
5.1 网站管理模块的实现 15
5.1.1 功能描述 14
5.1.2 工作流程和代码设计 15
5.2 网站审核 16
5.3 分类管理模块 16
5.3.1 分类编辑 16http://www.16sheji8.cn/
5.3.2 分类添加 17
5.3.3 分类删除 19
6 系统性能测试 20
6.1 系统测试环境 20
6.2 测试结果 20
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22
声 明 23
随着因特网的迅猛发展、Web信息的增加,用户要在信息海洋里查找信息,就像大海捞针一样, 搜索引擎技术恰好解决了这一难题。目前,搜索引擎系统可以分类三大类,分别是:目录式搜索引擎:以人工方式或半自动方式搜集信息,由编辑员查看信息之后,人工形成信息摘要,并将信息置于事先确定的分类框架中。机器人搜索引擎:由一个称为蜘蛛的机器人程序以某种策略自动地在互联网中搜集和发现信息,由索引器为搜集到的信息建立索引,由检索器根据用户的查询输入检索索引库,并将查询结果返回给用户。元搜索引擎:这类搜索引擎没有自己的数据,而是将用户的查询请求同时向多个搜索引擎递交,将返回的结果进行重复排除、重新排序等处理后,作为自己的结果返回给用户。