摘 要
The Design and Realization of a Dynamic Literature Website
As the fast development of network, people are more and more like to get information from Internet rather than newspapers and magazines. The literature website is one of sources that people get the latest literature products. It makes people read the most fashionable literature products even at home. At the same time, writers’ can change writing styles by readers’ opinions to avoid the failing rate of his/her products. A dynamic literature website should have the follow functions: search products in different ways; writers can upload and manage his /her own products; administrator can audit products and add& delete users of different identity; readers can read& review products after identity check, and communicate with each other with simple E-mail in the website. Follow these requests, the dynamic literature website is developed by windows2000 + asp + access, and finally realizes a friendly-surface, powerful-function, easy-management dynamic literature website with certain mercantile value. The follow parts simply introduced its basic design method, develop tools, and make a particular analysis of database and main function parts, at last give the system test result.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
Key words: literature; website; ASP;Mercantile value
目 录
1 引 言 1
2 系统开发环境介绍 1
2.1 ASP 1
2.2 Access 2
2.3 IIS 3
3 系统需求分析 4
3.1 用户角色需求 5
3.2 功能需求 5
3.3 性能需求 6
4 动态文学网站的设计 6
4.1 系统结构介绍 6
4.1.1 具体功能模块划分 6
4.1.2 用户流程图 7
4.2 数据库表的设计 7
4.3 数据库的连接 9
5 系统主要模块的开发和实现 10
5.1 登录 10http://www.16sheji8.cn/
5.2 注册 11
5.3 搜索 12
5.4 错误提示 12
5.5 管理功能 13
5.6 站内短信功能 15
6 系统功能测试 17
6.1 测试环境 17
6.2 测试结果 17
结 论 18
参考文献 18
致 谢 19
声 明 20
1 引 言
20世纪末,随着计算机科学的发展,数据库技术在Internet中的应用越来越广泛,为广大网络用户提供了更加周到和人性化的服务。个性化已逐渐成为当今Web应用的潮流。据估计,目前Internet上已有上百万个Web 站点,其内容范围跨越了教育科研、文化事业、金融商业、新闻出版、娱乐体育等各个领域,其用户群十分庞大,因此,建设一个好的Web站点对于一个机构的发展十分重要。