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摘  要
    该设计针对如何在中小书店快速实施电子商务这一目标,设计一个ASP模式中小商家的图书销售管理平台。系统设计采用基于B/S模式的三层体系架构,采用SQL SERVER 2000数据库服务器。系统分为前台购物和后台管理两个部分。前台购物从用户的注册、登录、图书的选购开始,到系统生成订单。商家可以通过后台的管理系统,管理订单、书籍情况、库存等信息。系统为广大中小客户提供一个图书销售管理的平台,通过本系统能够很好的满足商家与消费者之间的交易,显著降低商家的经营成本,扩大市场范围,也方便消费者根据自己的喜好,更加方便的购买到想要的书籍。整个系统界面友好,易维护,易扩展。

关键词:电子商务;B/S;ASP;SQL Server 2000
The Design and Realization of A Books Selling Management System
In the 21st century, with computer developing fast, new technology flows out continuously which makes a huge revolution, and it is become a very urgent case that how can China take this chance and be behalf from the express train of age. In numerous professions, e-commerce has focused all the attentions. When e-commerce has developed quickly overseas, it's also has been developing fast in china. How to build the e-commerce system that is similar to the traditional commercial pattern, has been the main problem that all trades and professions concern.http://www.16sheji8.cn
The design aims at the goal of how to implement e-commerce fast in center small bookstore, and design an ASP pattern small and medium bookshop selling system. The system is designed three systems construction and based on the B/S pattern, adopt SQL SERVER 2000 database server. The System contains two parts, shopping in the front and management in the background. The customers can register, login the system, choose the books, and the system will create the orders. The sellers can sell the books based on the orders, and the person who ordered the books will receive the books. The manager can manage the orders, the orders of books, quantity of the books. The system for the small and medium customer provides boos sales management platform, by this system between the sellers and the consumer, remarkably reduces merchant's cost, expands the market scope, also is convenient to consumer in choosing books according to his fond, especially convenient purchase the books wanted. The entire system contacts surface friendly, is easy to maintain, and is easy to expand.http://www.16sheji8.cn

Key words: Electronic Commerce; B/S; ASP; SQL Server 2000
目  录
论文总页数:26 页
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 2
2 系统需求分析 2
2.1 系统设计目标 2
2.2 系统总体需求分析 3
2.3 系统使用的技术路线和方案 4
2.3.1 B/S模式工作方式 4
2.3.2 B/S三层结构模式 5
2.3.3 Web数据库技术 6
2.3.4 系统开发平台 6
2.3.5 系统开发语言 6
3 系统规划与设计 7
3.1 系统流程简述 7
3.2 系统流程与模块划分 7
3.3 系统功能模块详细设计与列表 9
3.4 系统数据库设计 12
3.4.1 数据库表及各表的相互关系 12http://www.16sheji8.cn
3.4.2 数据库表结构的详细设计 13
4 系统的设计与实施 14
4.1 系统总体设计框架 14
4.1.1  公共库函数 14
4.1.2  公共设置参数 15
4.2 商品浏览模块 16
4.3 用户登录模块 17
4.4 购物车模块 18
4.5 商品管理模块 21
4.6 订单管理模块 21
5 系统测试 22
5.1 功能性测试 22
5.2 安全性测试 22
结    论 23
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26
1 引言
  1.1  课题背景

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