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摘  要


Design and Realization of Library Management System for Mianyang Nanshan High School
The science and technology society requires people to master much knowledge about the newest science and technology. The book is the most popular way for people to obtain and increase knowledge. The library takes the leading position in people's life. http://www.16sheji8.cn
This dissertation firstly describes the background and situation of this topic, and then grasps the meaning of this share of design. At the beginning of the job, I describe the development tools required by the design. At the first begging, I analysis the requirement and then conceive how to implement, the next step, I design the system, including analysis the requirement of all modules, implementation of the modules by coding and the running interface. I indicate how to build the relationship of the tables in the database by the basic principles of database. At last, it’s the explanation of the program’s test.
Based on the characteristics of NAN SHAN secondary school’s library ,This system designs interface to register, interfaces for all kinds of users, and interfaces for reader to borrow ,return, continue borrowing and query, also for librarian to add, modify, delete books from the library. Using this system, the manager can get away from hard work of the past way. This system will fulfill the main business of school’s library management, making it becomes more flexible, convenient, making management to modernize more and more scientific, so it enhances the efficiency and safety.http://www.16sheji8.cn

Key words: Science and Technology society;Book Management;Management Tool

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的目的与意义 1
2开发工具简介 2
2.1 ASP简介 2
2.2 用Asp开发Web数据库的优势 3
2.3 ASP与数据库 3
2.4 IIS服务 4
2.5 Dreamweaver MX 2004开发工具 5
2.6 B/S数据库访问模式 6
3 课题研究 7
3.1 图书管理系统设计分析 7http://www.16sheji8.cn
3.1.1 应用需求分析 7
3.2.2 设计思路及流程 8
4 系统总体规划设计 9
4.1 系统功能结构 9
4.2 系统各功能模块具体分析 9
4.2.1 图书查询 9
4.2.2 借阅者登录 10
4.2.3图书借阅 10
4.2.4图书归还 10
4.2.5图书续借 10
4.2.6操作平台功能界面 10
4.2.7图书的修改、删除、添加功能 11
4.3 数据库设计 11
4.3.1 数据库技术简介 11
4.3.2 数据库设计的特点 11
4.3.3 数据库需求分析 12http://www.16sheji8.cn
4.3.4 数据库概念结构设计 12
4.3.5 数据字典 13
4.4 系统各主要功能模块代码实现与效果图 14
4.4.1 系统首页(index. asp) 14
4.4.2 管理员用户登陆界面(adminlogin. asp) 15
4.4.3 管理员操作平台界面(admin_alterinfo.asp) 16
4.4.4 图书借阅界面(jieshu.asp) 16
4.4.5 图书归还界面(huanshu.asp) 17
4.4.6 图书查询界面(guest.asp) 17
4.4.7 图书删改界面(guanliyuan.asp) 18
4.4.8 查询用户界面(admin_searchuser.asp) 18
5系统测试 19
结    论 19
参考文献 20
致    谢 21
声    明 22
1 引言
  1.1 课题背景


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