摘 要
The gate site of kengdu reservoir danger removal and reinforcement project in Zhapo Town, Hailing District is located in Yangjiang City. The project is level III, the main building is level III, and the non main building is level IV. the building content includes the demolition and reconstruction of the reservoir; Water retaining works; Flood discharge works; Water diversion works; Housing maintenance project; Permanent access road works; Hoisting equipment installation works; Sewage blocking equipment installation works, etc. The planned commencement date is may 2022 and the planned completion date is September 2022. The construction period is 120 days in total. The contract price is: RMB ten million three hundred and eighty five thousand seven hundred and twenty point three (RMB 10385720.3). This graduation project first checks the quantities in the bill of quantities, determines the construction scheme of main divisional and subdivisional works, and determines the construction method, construction machinery and construction period; Then calculate the unit price of labor, materials, machinery, wind, water and electricity, and calculate the unit price of divisional and subdivisional works; Finally, calculate the total price, measure project cost and other project costs of each sub project, summarize the prices of each part and calculate the bid price.
Keywords: bill of quantities; construction organization design; bidding documents; reservoir reinforcement
目 录
摘 要
海陵区闸坡镇坑督水库除险加固工程投标文件 1
1 投标函及投标函附录 2
1.1 投标函 2
1.2 投标函附录 4
2 合同协议书 5
3 法定代表人身份证明书 6
4 投标保证金 7
5 已标价工程量清单 8
6 施工组织设计 94
第一章 编制总说明 95
一、施工条件 95
二、施工导流 95
三、土料场和砂砾料场开采 95
四、主体工程施工 95
五、施工交通运输 95
六、施工总布置 95
七、施工总进度 96
八、主要技术供应 97
第二章 施工方案与技术措施 98
一、工程特点及施工重点和难点分析 98
二、主要施工方案与技术措施 99
第三章 安全管理体系与措施 128
一、安全生产责任制健全、职责明确 128
二、安全管理资源配置合理、措施符合相关安全技术(操作)规程的 130
第四章 环境保护管理体系与措施 133
一、环境保护管理资源配置合理、措施合理的 133
第五章 工程进度计划与措施 135
附件一:拟投入本项目的主要施工设备表 137
附件二:拟投入本项目的试验和检测仪器设备表 138
附件三:拟投入本项目的劳动力计划表 139
附件四:计划开工日期、完工日期和施工进度网络图 140
附件五:施工总平面图 142
附件六:临时用地表 144
附件七:工程量校核计算表 145
参考文献 147