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基于MODIS数据的滁州市冬小麦长势遥感监测研究 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘要 1
1 引言 2
1.1 选题背景与意义 2
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 研究目标、研究内容及技术路线 3
1.3.1 研究目标 3
1.3.2 研究内容 3
1.3.3 技术路线图 4
2 研究数据与研究方法 4
2.1 研究区域概况 4
2.2 数据来源 4
2.2.1 冬小麦生育期数据 4
2.2.2 遥感数据 5
2.2.3 非遥感数据 6
2.3 研究方法 6
2.3.1 对MODIS数据的处理 6
2.3.2 植被指数计算 7
2.3.3 作物长势遥感监测 8
3 冬小麦长势监测结果与分析 10
3.1 冬小麦长势年际变化特征 10
3.2 冬小麦长势空间变化特征 11
3.3 基于差值模型的冬小麦长势监测 12
4 冬小麦产量估算 15
4.1 冬小麦估产模型建立 15
4.2 模型精度检验 18
5 结论与展望 19
5.1 实验结论 19
5.2 问题与展望 19
参考文献 21
致    谢 22
附    录:关键程序代码 23
Remote sensing monitoring of winter wheat growth in Chuzhou based on MODIS data
Abstract: Wheat is one of the major food crops in China, and its planting area accounts for one fifth of the total planting area of ​​grain crops. The use of spatial information technology to monitor the growth of wheat and timely forecast of wheat production is of great value and significance to the country's adjustment of food reserves and the formulation of scientific and reasonable food policies. Under the rapid development of satellite remote sense techniques, the resources of high temporal remote sensing data continue to increase, and the accuracy of crop growth monitoring has been favorably guaranteed. This paper selects Chuzhou City as the research area, using the MODIS_250m spatial resolution land product data from 2013-2018, through image pre-processing such as image stitching, projection conversion, and image cropping. First, the NDVI time series parameter set within the study area is calculated. The growth process curve of winter wheat is extracted from it; then, based on the difference model, the NDVI value of the critical period of winter wheat growth is compared with the 5-year average NDVI value during the same period to achieve dynamic process monitoring and real-time status display of crop growth; finally, based on actual measurements The yield data of the plot were constructed based on the remote sensing parameters of the heading stage for the winter wheat yield estimation model. After verification, the estimation accuracy was above 90%. The results show that remote sensing yield estimation of winter wheat using multi-phase MODIS data is feasible, and it can provide guidance for agricultural activities and effective assessment of crop yield trends.
Keywords: winter wheat; remote sensing; growth monitoring; yield estimation

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