目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
1 工程概况 3
1.1工程概述 3
1.2结构设计依据 3
1.3材料选用 4
2 建筑设计 5
2.1 建筑平面设计 5
2.2 建筑立面设计 5
2.3 屋顶设计 5
3 结构方案的选择及结构布置 6
3.1结构方案 6
3.2结构布置 6
3.3柱网尺寸及层高 7
3.4梁、柱截面尺寸的初步确定 7
3.4.1梁的截面尺寸的初步确定 7
3.4.2柱的截面尺寸的初步确定 8
3.5楼板选择 8
3.6结构横向框架的计算简图 8
4 竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 10
4.1计算单元 10
4.2恒荷载计算 10
4.2.1屋面均布荷载及框架梁线荷载标准值 10
4.2.2屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值 12
4.2.3 二到三层均布荷载及框架梁线荷载标准值 13
4.2.4二到三层框架节点集中荷载标准值 15
4.2.5一层框架以下的荷载 17
4.3活荷载计算 18
4.3.1屋顶的活载计算 18
4.3.2第2-3层上的活载计算 19
4.4竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 20
4.4.1杆的等效荷载计算 20
4.4.2梁柱线刚度计算 22
4.4.3计算过程 23
5 横向荷载作用下的内力计算 33
5.1风荷载作用计算 33
5.1.1集中风荷载标准值计算 33
5.1.2侧移刚度计算 33
5.1.3风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 34
5.1.4风荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 35
5.2地震作用计算 38
5.2.1重力荷载代表值G的计算 38
5.2.2横向水平地震荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 40
5.2.3水平地震作用以及楼层地震剪力计算 42
5.2.4水平地震作用下的位移验算 43
5.2.5.水平地震作用下的框架内力计算 44
6 荷载组合与内力组合 46
6.1内力调整 46
6.2框架梁内力折算至柱边 48
6.3内力组合 48
6.4内力调整 56
6.4.1柱端弯矩和剪力的调整 56
6.4.2梁端弯矩和剪力的调整 57
7 截面设计与配筋计算 59
7.1截面设计 59
7.1.1框架柱截面设计 59
7.1.2框架梁截面设计 66
8 楼板设计 71
8.1楼板类型及设计方法的选择 71
8.2设计参数 71
8.3弯矩计算 72
8.4配筋计算 73
9 楼梯设计 77
9.1设计资料 77
9.2梯段板设计 77
9.2.1荷载计算 78
9.2.2内力计算 78
9.2.3截面配筋设计 79
9.3平台板设计 80
9.3.1荷载计算 80
9.3.2内力计算 81
9.2.3截面配筋设计 81
9.4平台梁的设计 82
9.4.1荷载计算 82
9.4.2内力计算 83
9.2.3截面配筋设计 83
10 基础工程设计 85
10.1确定矩形基础底面尺寸 85
10.1.1初步确定基础底面尺寸 85
10.1.2验算荷载偏心距e 85
10.1.3验算基底最大压力 85
10.2柱下独立基础设计 86
11 电算校核与分析 90
参考文献 97
致 谢 99
摘 要
关键词: 乡镇医院;建筑设计;结构设计;钢筋混凝土框架结构;荷载
In response to the national call to revitalize rural construction, it plans to build a community hospital in a township, with a construction area of about 2000m2, reasonable layout, fully reflect the protection of patient privacy, barrier-free design requirements, and meet the national health standards to meet the urban community health service center basic public health service and community basic health service function.Reasonable allocation according to the scope of service and population.
This design is the project of XX Town Central Hospital, the structural form is reinforced concrete frame structure, the seismic requirements are 6 degrees of fortification, according to the seismic design code, class B building is designed according to 7 degrees.The design content includes architectural design and structural design, taking the transverse frame of the ③ -axis for calculation.This paper includes the following contents: structure selection; load and indirect action calculation (including constant load, live load and wind constant load and seismic action); load combination and internal force analysis; one frame calculation; cast-in-place beam plate calculation (continuous beam, single beam, two-way plate, unidirectional plate calculation of one typical component); suspension component calculation (one typical component calculated for suspension beam and plate); foundation and foundation beam calculation; other necessary component calculation.Calculation results and analysis.
Key words: township hospital; architectural design; structural design; reinforced concrete frame structure; load