摘 要
本次项目为某高校学生活动中心建筑结构设计,总建筑面积约为3500 m2。在世界范围内,钢筋混凝土多层框架结构的发展正在迅速发展。必须从可用性、耐用性和可靠性方面对建筑物进行评估。而现在用得最多的就是框架结构。该框架结构具有承载力大、结构自重轻、抗震性能好、造价低、材料来源广、耐火性好、结构刚度高、维修费用低等优点。框架结构与其他结构相比具有很大的优势,例如,对于合理的高度和层数,框架结构可以提供更大的建筑空间,布局也可以相对灵活和合适。不同的工艺和应用功能要求。
This project is the architectural structure design of a university student activity center, with a total construction area of about 3500 m2. In the world, the development of reinforced concrete multilayer frame structures is developing rapidly.Buildings must be evaluated in terms of availability, durability, and reliability.Now the most commonly used structure is the frame structure.The frame structure has the advantages of large bearing capacity, light structural weight, good seismic performance, low cost, wide material source, good fire resistance, high structural stiffness and low maintenance cost.Frame structures have great advantages over other structures, for example, for a reasonable height and number of layers, frame structures can provide a larger building space, and the layout can be relatively flexible and appropriate.Different process and application function requirements.
The architectural design must meet the functional requirements of the building, and the layout must be reasonable.Construction drawing should continue to deepen the planning stage, drawing construction drawing design description, general plan, plan drawing, section drawing, four elevation drawing and detailed joint structure drawing.Design depth requirements must be met with a detailed list of doors and windows and upholstered tables.
In the structural part, according to the architectural design and structural load and seismic requirements, as well as the site geological conditions, site material supply and construction technical conditions, reasonable structural selection and structural layout, positioning size to determine each component and draw the structural layout map.Key standard components, including roof, floor prefabricated components, window lintel, are selected by calculation.The design calculation must be completed from the determination of the frame calculation diagram, load calculation, internal strength analysis, and the combination of the main frame and foundation under the column, to the section reinforcement calculation and structural measurement.In addition, the design calculation of optional components (cast-in-place panels, continuous beam) is added.Complete the structure design calculation book: explain the principles and design principles of structure selection and placement, list the stages and main calculation process of structure design calculation, as well as all the calculation results.
Key words: activity center; university activity center; architectural design; structural design; frame structure
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 设计说明 1
1.1 建筑设计说明 1
1.1.1 计算依据及设计要求 1
1.1.2 建筑设计概况与主要技术经济指标 1
1.1.3 建筑地区条件 1
1.1.4 建筑内容 2
1.1.5 建筑构造处理 2
1.1.6 具体工程做法 2
1.2 结构设计说明 3
1.2.1 设计资料 3
1.2.2 结构体型的选型 3
1.2.3 其他结构选型 3
2 结构布置与荷载计算 4
2.1 结构布置 4
2.2 初步估计梁柱截面尺寸 5
2.2.1 主梁截面尺寸 5
2.2.2 连续梁及次梁的截面尺寸 5
2.2.3 柱的截面尺寸 5
2.2.4 板厚 5
2.2.5 梁的计算跨度 5
2.2.6 选用材料 6
2.3 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度 6
2.3.1 确定框架计算简图 6
2.3.2 框架刚度计算 7
2.4 荷载计算 9
2.4.1 恒载标准值计算 9
2.4.2 活荷载标准值计算 12
2.4.3 竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 12
2.4.4 风荷载计算 18
2.5 风荷载作用下的位移验算 19
2.5.1 侧移刚度 19
2.5.2 风荷载作用下的框架侧移计算 19
2.6 横向水平地震荷载计算 21
2.6.1 重力荷载代表值计算 21
2.6.2 框架横向自振周期计算 22
2.6.3水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力的计算 23
3 框架内力计算 24
3.1 恒荷载标准值作用下内力计算 24
3.1.1 恒荷载标准值作用下内力计算 24
3.1.2 活荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 25
3.2 水平荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 40
3.2.1 风荷载标准值作用下内力计算 40
3.2.2 横向水平地震荷载作用下的内力计算 42
4 框架内力组合 44
5 截面设计 67
5.1 框架梁截面设计 67
5.1.1 梁的正截面受弯矩承载力计算 67
5.1.2 梁的斜截面受弯矩承载力计算 67
5.1.3 梁的裂缝宽度验算 68
5.2 框架柱截面设计 73
5.2.1 轴压比验算 73
5.2.2 截面尺寸复核 73
5.2.3 正截面受弯承载力计算 73
5.2.4 垂直于弯矩作用平面的受压承载力验算 76
5.2.5 斜截面受剪承载力计算 76
5.2.6 裂缝宽度验算 77
6 基础设计 78
6.1 以A轴柱下的独立基础设计为例 78
6.2基础设计为台阶式柱下独立基础 78
6.3基础的配筋计算 81
7 次梁设计 84
7.1 工程概况 84
7.2 荷载计算 84
7.3 内力计算 84
7.3.1计算跨度 84
7.3.2弯矩计算 85
7.3.3剪力计算 85
7.4 配筋计算 85
7.4.1正截面计算 85
7.4.2斜截面计算 87
7.4.3配筋示意图 87
结 论 88
致 谢 89
参考文献 90