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基于SSM和Web实现的农作物生长监控系统设计与实现 毕业论文+选题审批表+开题报告+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 web作物生长监控系统的开发背景 2
1.1.1 系统开发及实施背景 6
1.1.2 硬件支持 6
1.2开发的意义与应用 2
1.3系统开发的目标 2
第二章 系统开发工具与技术 4
2.1开发工具简介 5
2.1.1 集成开发环境IntelliJ IDEA、eclipse、Dreamweaver 6
2.1.2 项目管理工具Apache Maven 6
2.1.3  web应用服务器Apache tomcat 6
2.1.4 数据库管理系统MySQL及可视化工具SQLyog 6
2.1.5 消息中间件Apache ActiveMQ 6
2.1.6  STC系列单片机下载烧录软件STC-ISP 6
2.2开发技术简介 5
2.2.1  HTTP协议简介 6
2.2.2  WebSocket协议简介 6
2.2.3  RESTful设计风格简介 6
2.2.4  Java语言及流行开发框架SpringMVC、Spring、MyBatis简介 6
2.2.5  JavaScript语言及JQuery、BootStrap、Highcharts框架简介 6
第三章 系统需求分析 4
3.1 系统可行性分析 5
3.1.1  运行可行性分析 6
3.1.2  技术可行性分析 6
3.2 系统需求分析 5
第四章 系统总体设计 4
4.1 系统主要功能设计 5
4.2 系统各模块概要设计 5
4.3 数据库设计 5
第五章 系统详细设计与实现 4
5.1 系统设计详情 5
5.2 登录注册模块 5
5.3 实时数据展示(主页)模块 5
5.4 数据查询模块 5
5.5 用户权限管理模块 5
5.6 系统配置模块 5
第六章 系统测试与维护 4
6.1 系统整体功能完整性测试 5
6.2 系统运行日志输出 5
总结 4
致谢 4
摘  要
本毕业设计在对A基地进行调研的基础上。设计并开发了一套基于Web的作物生长监控系统,该系统由软件和硬件两部分组成。硬件部分采用了已开发好的多点温湿度采集系统,软件部分采用Java开发语言、HTML、CSS、JavaScript等前端语言以及SSM(SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis)框架整合和MySQL数据库管理技术进行开发。系统实现了实时推送功能、站点地图展示功能、HTTP协议爬取农业新闻功能、数据查询功能、温湿度数据分析功能、角色及权限管理功能和站点的创建、导入及导出功能。为了方便维护和版本迭代,系统采用接口开发模式,并引入Log4j日志工具将系统运行过程和用户操作过程保存到本地。希望此系统。
In agricultural production activities, some crops are demanding on the growth environment, and for most crops, the appropriate temperature has more or less impact on their growth and yield.At the same time, with the rapid development of Internet technology, "Internet + agriculture" mode is expected to become a new management platform for large-scale producers, making agricultural production in the Internet environment.Therefore, the implementation of the production mode of "Internet + agriculture" to optimize the production environment can improve the controllability and convenience of the production process.
This graduation project designs and develops a set of crop growth monitoring system based on the Web based on this mode, hoping that this system can bring convenience to the users and improve the income, and improve the efficiency of agricultural production.This system is a set of Web application software developed on the basis of existing multi-point temperature and humidity acquisition hardware, which needs to communicate and share data with the upper computer software.This system USES Java language and a variety of front-end language development, based on SSM (SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis) framework integration and MySQL database management system development.The system realizes the real-time data display function, site map display function, HTTP protocol crawl agricultural news function, data query function, temperature and humidity data analysis function, role and authority management function and site creation, import and export function.To facilitate maintenance, the system introduces the Log4j logging tool to record the system running process and user operation process and save them locally.
After the design and test of the system, the system runs stably and reaches the expected function target.You can optimize it.
Key words: agriculture;Management platform;Java;Mysql;Web software;Function;

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