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基于ssh大学生党建网站系统的设计与实现 毕业论文+选题表+任务书+开题报告+开题答辩PPT+中期报告+文献综述+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
在这样的背景下,本文详细介绍了系统需求分析、数据库实现、系统实现和系统功能测试。还有Struts 框架、Hibernate 框架、Ajax 技术,以及这些技术与这些系统之间的联系。分析特定模块并在代码中描述它们。题目最终实现了计算机系党建网站的基本功能,分为前台和后台,前台实现信息检索和简单交互功能,而具有信息管理、信息分类管理、友情链接管理、管理员管理等模块。本系统是在MyEclipse环境下开发,采用Java语言设计,功能强大,借助Struts框架实现MVC设计模式,同时利用Hibernate技术实现连续运行。该数据库使用强大且免费提供的My SQL 数据库功能。
The process of informatization and networking sweeping the world is changing the way people live and work.E-government, e-commerce and other concepts and practices have been widely recognized by the society.International political parties, especially those in developed countries such as Britain and the United States, have been using new ICT to participate in political party activities since the early 1990s.Foreign political scientists also began to use the concepts of virtual politics, digital (electronic) democracy, electronic party and so on to study the impact of new technologies represented by the Internet on political parties and politics.As a representative of advanced productive forces and advanced culture, the Communist Party of China faces the challenges of the new situation, adheres to the progress of The Times, boldly innovates theories, and uses modern information and communication technology to strengthen Party building.We are promoting the construction of electronic party affairs according to China's national conditions, which is of great significance to strengthen the leadership of the Party and improving the leadership level of the Party.As an important carrier of the electronic party business, the network party building platform has attracted more and more attention and attention.
In this context, this paper details the system requirements analysis, database implementation, system implementation, and system function testing.There are also the Struts framework, the Hibernate framework, the Ajax technologies, and the connection between these technologies and these systems.Analyze specific modules and describe them in the code.The title finally realizes the basic functions of the party building website of the computer department, which is divided into front desk and background. The front desk realizes information retrieval and simple interaction functions, and has information management, information classification management, link management, administrator management and other modules.This system is developed in the MyEclipse environment, using Java language design, powerful, using Struts framework for MVC design mode, and using Hibernate technology to achieve continuous operation.The database uses the powerful and freely available My SQL database capabilities.
Key words: Party building website, MVC, Struts, Hibernate; SSH
目  录
摘  要 I
第1章 绪论 - 6 -
1.1 引言 - 6 -
1.1.1目的 - 6 -
1.1.2 背景 - 6 -
1.2 技术及工具介绍 - 7 -
1.2.1 MVC介绍 - 7 -
1.2.2 Struts介绍 - 7 -
1.2.3 Hibernate介绍 - 9 -
1.2.4 Ajax介绍 - 10 -
1.2.5 J2EE技术简介 - 11 -
第2章  需求分析 - 12 -
2.1 功能需求 - 12 -
2.2 性能需求 - 12 -
2.3 数据需求分析 - 13 -
2.4 功能需求分析 - 13 -
2.4.1 游客 - 13 -
2.4.2 管理员 - 13 -
2.4.3 功能模块图 - 14 -
2.4.4 主要功能描述表 - 15 -
2.5 UML图之用例图 - 19 -
2.5.1 用户用例图 - 19 -
2.5.2 管理员用例图 - 20 -
第3章  数据库设计 - 21 -
3.1 E-R 图 - 21 -
3.2 数据表设计 - 24 -
3.2.1 管理员表 - 24 -
3.2.2 信息一级类别表 - 24 -
3.2.3 信息二级类别表 - 25 -
3.2.4 友情链接表 - 25 -
3.2.5 心情表 - 25 -
3.2.6 信息表 - 26 -
第4章  系统实现 - 27 -
4.1 后台登录模块的设计与实现 - 27 -
4.2 信息管理 - 28 -
4.2.1 显示信息 - 28 -
4.2.2 添加信息 - 31 -
4.2.3 修改信息 - 34 -
4.2.4 删除信息 - 37 -
4.3 信息类别管理模块 - 38 -
4.4 友情链接管理模块 - 38 -
4.5 添加管理员模块 - 38 -
4.6 前台显示模块 - 41 -
4.6 前台搜索模块 - 43 -
4.7 前台心情反馈模块 - 44 -
第5章  系统测试 - 46 -
5.1 登录测试 - 46 -
5.2 管理员添加测试 - 49 -
5.3 信息添加测试 - 51 -
结  论 - 54 -
参考文献 - 55 -
致  谢 - 56 -

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