摘 要
对网络开放的数据集MovieLens进行分析,并将数据存储到SQL Server数据库对应的表中;
根据前面算法的实现,运用.NET WEB API以及C#等相关技术设计实现了简要的推荐系统;
关键词: 项目协同过滤;推荐系统;智能电子商务;ASP.NET WEB API
With the popularity of the Internet, as well as the many benefits of shopping online makes online shopping increasingly recognized. E-commerce booming with incredible speed and it has become today's Internet IT industry's economic growth point. However, not only the number of users is increasing, while there is a lot of useful and useless information flooded the whole area of e-commerce. How to find out information that we wanted from a large amount of information has become an important issue. Recommendation systems are an important approach to solve the problem. A good e-commerce website in addition to the basic functions of goods for browse, search, purchase, and evaluate, should also have the recommendation feature, which allows recommending personalized products to users, solving the problem of difficult for users to find information, as well as increase the volume of e-commerce website.
This paper analyses the principle and realization of procedure of Item-based Collaborative Filtering Algorithms, and on the basic of that, design and implementation an e-commerce recommendation system based on Item-based Collaborative Filtering. The major work contents are as follows:
1) Analyze MovieLens data sets open to the network, and store the data into the SQL Server database that corresponds to the table;
2) Based on users comments, using the cosine similarity algorithm calculate the similarity between the goods, and then calculate the degree of users’ interest in goods by the history comments and similarity, finally it comes out with different recommendations for different users.
3) Based on the previous method of using. NET WEB API as well as related technologies likes c #, design and implementation a concise recommender system;
4) According to the information from MovieLens data sets to test the performance of Algorithms, to test the recommendation system for recommendation effects as well.
5) Finally, makes a summary of this development of e-commerce recommendation system, which based on Item-based Collaborative Filtering Algorithms, and outlook the future of it.
Key words:Item-Based Collaborative Filtering;Recommended System;Intelligent E-Commerce;ASP.NET WEB API
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景与意义 6
1.1.1 研究背景 6
1.1.2 设计推荐系统的意义 7
1.2 国内外研究现状 7
1.3 本文章节安排 8
第二章 电子商务推荐系统介绍 9
2.1电子商务推荐系统的概念 9
2.2电子商务推荐系统的组成 9
2.3推荐系统的分类 11
第三章 系统架构与设计 11
3.1推荐系统的需求 11
3.2推荐系统功能描述 12
3.3 推荐系统结构设计与组成 12
3.3.1 系统结构 12
3.3.2 系统模型 13
3.3.3 系统数据库表关系图 14
3.4 推荐系统核心算法设计 15
3.4.1 项目协同过滤算法概述 15
3.4.2数据集MovieLens 16
3.4.3算法原理与实现步骤 17
第四章 推荐系统实现 19
4.1 系统实现环境及相关技术介绍 19
4.1.1 ASP.NET Web API概述 19
4.1.2 系统使用.NET WEB API概述 20
4.1.3系统开发平台 VS2013 21
4.1.4数据库平台 SQL Server 2008 R2 21
4.1.5C# 22
4.2前台界面实现 22
4.2.1 推荐系统的登录界面 22
4.2.2 推荐结果界面 23
4.3 后端功能代码实现 23
4.4后台数据库实现 26
4.5 核心算法实现 27
第五章 系统测试、运行与使用 30
5.1核心算法结果分析 30
5.1.1核心算法运行结果 30
5.1.2核心算法评测指标 31
5.2 推荐系统结果测试 33
5.2.1 系统测试概述 33
5.2.2 对本推荐系统的测试 33
5.3 推荐系统的使用说明 35
第六章 总结与展望 35
6.1 本文的主要工作总结 35
6.2 进一步的研究方向 36
参 考 文 献 37
后 记 40