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步进式冷床传动设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+外文文献及翻译+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目   录
前  言 I
[摘要] 1
[Abstract] 2
1.绪论 3
1.1连铸技术的发展与展望 3
1.2冷床概述 5
1.3冷床的主要类型 7
1.4.步进式冷床的结构 9
1.4.1冷床的结构 9
1.4.2.冷床的组成以及性能结构参数 10
2.  翻转冷床传动机构的选择 11
2.1  传动形式的研究 11
2.2  传动运动机构的选择 11
2.2.1  电动单轴三偏心连杆式翻转冷床 11
2.2.2  液压双轴双动齿条式翻钢冷床 12
2.2.3  液压双轴单动齿条式翻钢冷床 13
3  齿板的齿形设计与冷床总体布局 14
  3.1  V型翻转冷床的简介和优点 14
3.2  V型齿板参数 15
3.2.1  齿距t的确定 15
3.2.2  V齿几何参数的确定 16
3.3  动、静齿条齿形设计 17
3.4  翻转冷床总体布置 17
4.  冷床本体结构的设计和校核 18
4.1  轮子的设计和校核 19
4.1.1  轮子及轴承的选择 19
4.1.2  销轴的设计选择 20
4.2  液压缸的选择 24
4.3  空心轴的设计和校核 28
5  钢结构的焊接 32
5.1本设计中的焊接概述 32
5.2焊接知识 34
6.安装与试车要求 37
6.1安装及验收要求 37
6.2试车要求 38
6.3 维护要点 38
结束语 46
参考文献 47
致  谢 48
Along with the continuously develop of the our country economy, in each professions, such as manufacturing industry,building industry and the transportation industry...etc. and the realm, their demand to steel also increases increasingly.This smelting mass and quantity that wills beg the our country steel and iron works to the steel attains a higher level.For this, the main design contents of this design are the overall layout of turnover cooling bed,by means of the turnover cooling bed makes continuously cast billets or bloomed billets cool down quickly and equally during conveying and self-straighten during cooling process.From the point of view of kinematics trace,the relationship between profile of racks and moving mechanism is studied and the main geometric parameters are determined.Main topic is the design process of the turnover cooling bed of hydraulic double-shaft single-movement,and the turnover cooling bed of electric single shaft three-eccentric tie-rod type and hydraulic double-shaft double-movement rack type are briefly mentioned.
In the design process, according to the size of the billet parameters to determine the dynamic and static rack tooth-type parameters, then determines hydraulic transmission system, which has the simple structure and reliable drive, then design the structure and sizes of the required components, Through the analysis of stress transmission system and theoretical calculation,do the intensity and stiffness checking of the parts of the system, and the reliability analysis.While choosing reasonable hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic system Working conditions,the whole system in operation has energy-saving effect, and reduce the one-time investment operation cost.
Keywords:turnover cooling bed;rack profile;moving mechanism;kinematics trace.

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