摘 要
With the popularity of computers, the management has been upgraded to a higher level, and paperless office has been gradually realized, that is, from the original manual record management mode to the computer integrated management mode. However, nucleic acid detection records are still in the stage of manual processing, which is purely manual management, low efficiency, error prone, cumbersome procedures, and consumes a lot of human, material and financial resources. To solve the above problems, the nucleic acid detection system is developed to replace the shortage of manual management. The development of the system can effectively solve the unscientific and repeated problems of nucleic acid detection record, and change from manual mode to computer mode. The system can greatly improve the efficiency, which is also an important condition for the scientific and standardized management of nucleic acid detection.
This paper studies a nucleic acid detection system, which is based on the B / S architecture pattern and designed with springboot framework. The system mainly takes Java language as the development basis, uses FreeMarker + springboot and other technologies, uses idea as the development tool, and MySQL as the database tool. This system only has the backstage management module, backstage management module realizes user management, personnel management, address management, nucleic acid detection record and other functions. This system has perfect function, friendly interface, simple operation, and is convenient for the statistical work of nucleic acid detection.
The use of modern information technology means to achieve nucleic acid testing records, more importantly, the administrator can quickly enter each nucleic acid testing personnel.
Keywords:nucleic acid;Nucleic acid detection system; SpringBoot; Freemarker; MySql
目 录
摘 要 II
目 录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题目的和意义 1
第二章 相关技术介绍 2
2.1 Javascript 2
2.2 Ajax 2
2.3 MySQL 2
2.4 SpringBoot框架 2
2.5 Freemarker模板引擎 3
2.6 B/S模式 3
2.7 系统开发平台及运行环境 4
2.7.1 系统开发平台 4
2.7.2 运行环境 5
第三章 系统需求分析 7
3.1 功能需求分析 7
3.2 非功能需求分析 9
3.3 可行性分析 10
3.3.1 经济可行性 10
3.3.2 技术可行性 10
3.3.3 操作可行性 11
第四章 系统设计 12
4.1 系统架构 12
4.2 系统功能模块设计 13
4.3 系统工作流程设计 15
4.4 数据库设计 15
4.4.1 数据库概念设计 15
4.4.2 数据库逻辑设计 21
第五章 核酸检测系统实现 25
5.1 关键代码 25
5.2 普通管理员模块 30
5.2.1 首页 30
5.2.2人员管理 30
5.2.3 核酸检测记录 31
5.3 超级管理员模块 32
5.3.1 管理员登录 32
5.3.2后台用户管理 32
5.3.3 核算检测统计 33
5.3.4 地址管理 33
5.3.5 系统设置 34
5.4 游客模块 34
5.4.1 游客信息 34
第六章 系统测试 37
6.1 测试的目的与目标 37
6.2 测试方法 37
6.3 测试用例 38
6.4 测试结论 39
结论与展望 40
致谢 41
