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基于retas的动漫动画制作与设计 毕业论文+任务书+中期检查表+外文翻译及原文+设计过程图及素材
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

中国动漫行业在世界范围内可以说是一个刚刚起步的的艺术体系,我们所熟知的动漫行业可以分为二维动画和三维动画,目前较流行的是三维动画,因为他的建模方便,制作成本低。该论文主要以当下日式动漫最流行的软件RETAS为例,简述二维动漫的制作原理和制作过程,主要使用RETAS,Particles Illusion等动漫软件制作二维动漫短片。随着动漫制作软件不断地进步,更加人性化,无纸动画随之诞生,人们可以直接在电脑上绘制线稿,就这一进步就大大的减少了财力的消耗,再加上动漫制作的流程优化,包括从一开始的线稿,到上色,再到合成技术,都可以通过计算机技术来完成。Retas就是这样一款软件,它的流水线般的工作流程使得制作过程更加有序,更加优化,推动了动漫行业的快速发展。
关键字:   动画原理;短片制作;软件;发展前景
Animation production based on the retas
Chinese animation industry in the world is said to be a just started art system, we are familiar with the animation industry can be divided into two-dimensional animation and three-dimensional animation, the more popular is the three-dimensional animation, because his modeling is convenient, low cost. My paper mainly to the current Japanese animation the most popular software RETAS to briefly describe the two-dimensional animation production and production process, the main use of RETAS, Particles Illusion and other animation software production of two-dimensional animation film production process. With the animation production software continues to progress, more humane, paperless animation was born, people can draw a line directly on the computer, on this progress will greatly reduce the consumption of financial resources, coupled with the animation production process Optimization, from the beginning of the line to the color, to the synthesis technology, can be done through computer technology. Retas is such a software, its pipeline-like workflow makes the production process more orderly, more optimized, and promote the rapid development of the animation industry.
Key words: The animation principles; Production process; Video production; Development prospects
摘要 I
1.  绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 动漫产业发展情况 1
1.2.1 国外发展情况 1
1.2.2 国内发展情况 1
1.3 课题研究意义 2
1.4 本章小结 2
2.  动漫制作原理 3
2.1动画运动规律 3
2.1.1人和场景的运动规律 3
2.1.2兽类动物的基本运动规律 5
2.1.3烟雾的运动规律 6
2.1.4自然闪电与爆炸效果的运动规律 7
2.1.5火焰的运动规律 8
2.1.6 雨,雪的运动规律 8
2.2动漫制作的工艺流程 9
2.2.1 前期工作 10
2.2.2 中期工作 10
2.2.3 后期 13
2.3 本章小结 14
3.  动漫制作软件简介 15
3.1 SAI 15
3.2 RETAS 15
3.3 Adobe AE 17
3.4 flash cs6 17
3.5 本章小结 18
4.  动漫创作过程 19
4.1 动漫创作流程 19
4.2 故事剧本 20
4.3 原画设计 23
4.4 动漫制作 34
4.5 本章小结 35
5.  动漫成果展示 36
6  总结 40
参考文献 42
致谢 43

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