摘 要
本文实现了基于WINDOWS 2000/XP平台的网络监控系统,该系统可以对网络的流量情况进行实时的统计,查询与监控,使用VC++作为开发工具。系统利用Winsock钩子截获Winsock调用,从而拦截TCP/IP数据包,再利用TCP/IP协议的封包结构分析所截获的数据,提取需要的数据对其进行控管规则的检查认证,从而确定Socket连接是否允许通过。
With the development of Computer Science, the Internet has been widely used in our life. Now Internet is the biggest platform in information storage and transmission, so the network security is great importance. Because the Internet information is becoming more and more vast and complex, the net flux and net monitor is very important. This system can monitor the network when one use the computer,cut off the insecure information and protect our local net.
The Internet had include many protocols:TCP/IP、UDP and so on. This paper can analysis many protocols.It can show the communication between the computers.This paper can do these things:catch the data in the Internet,analysis the protocols which the system catched.
The work of this paper implement a monitor system of Network stream based Windows System,which can inquire and control the stream of network. The develop tool is VC++. The system captures Winsock transfer by Winsock hook and intercepts TCP/IP packet,then it analyzes the data what was captured according to the packet structure of TCP/IP and gets the imperative data with the checking of control rules. According to it, it can be decided whether the Socket connection is admitted or not.
Keyworlds:Network Control;data scissor;Sniffer
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 网络监控的作用和意义 1
1.2 本文所做的主要工作 1
第二章 系统分析 2
2.1 SNIFF技术简介 2
2.2 INTERNET与网络协议 3
2.2.1 MAC地址 3
2.2.2 TCP/IP体系 3
2.2.3 TCP/IP与以太网 4
2.2.4 端口号 5
2.2.5 网络上的设备 5
2.3 SNIFFER的工作环境 6
2.4 SNIFFER的工作原理 7
2.5 嗅探器可能造成的危害 8
第三章 概要设计 9
3.1 系统需求分析 9
3.2 开发及运行环境 9
3.3 系统流程 9
3.3.1 工作流程说明 9
3.3.2 系统流程图 10
第四章 详细设计 11
4.1 设计原理 11
4.2 嗅探器的具体实现函数 13
4.3 WINSOCKET编程技术 15
4.4 具体实现 18
4.4.1 IPHEADER.h实现 18
4.4.2 初始化函数OnInitDialog 21
4.4.3 监听线程实现 25
第五章 程序运行 31
谢辞 34
参考文献 35
附录 36
附录1 外文资料 36
附录2 中文翻译 38
附录3 主要程序 39
第一章 绪论
1.1 网络监控的作用和意义