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基于BootStrap+Django+MySQL的云笔记平台系统 毕业论文+任务书+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+前后台源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目  录
摘 要 III
1前 言 1
1.1背景 1
1.2 现状分析 1
1.3系统目标 1
2系统分析 3
2.1功能需求分析 3
2.2性能、安全性和可行性 4
3开发技术概述 6
3.1开发语言介绍 6
3.2开发工具介绍 6
3.3相关技术简介 7
4系统设计 10
4.1系统工程结构 10
4.2系统详细设计 11
5数据库设计 18
5.1数据库模型图 18
5.2数据库表设计 18
6系统实现 21
6.1进入界面 21
6.2注册登录 21
6.3标题和笔记操作 22
6.4搜索图书 26
6.5用户行为分析 28
6.6后台管理 29
6.7详细后台管理 30
7系统测试 36
7.1系统测试的方法和步骤 36
7.2功能测试 36
8结 论 40
谢 辞 41
参考文献 42
摘 要
Analysis and Design of Cloud Note Platform Based on Python
Traditional handwritten reading notes are inefficient and difficult to store and query, while cloud notes can solve these problems effectively. The reading cloud note-taking system includes four modules, which named title , note , book search and analysis of user's behavior. The title module has the functions of create title, delete title, modify title and view title list. The note taking module has the functions of add notes, delete notes, modify notes and search notes. The book search module has the functions of searching books, displaying book information, displaying book comments and visualizing the number of reviews thumb up. The user behavior analysis module has the functions of output user's search behavior and recommend books according to user's search behavior. Besides, there is also background management module, which has the functions of setting user permission, modifying user's information, viewing user's search history, manage title and manage notes. The system is developed by using B/S structure and the development language is Python, which ensures good portability of the system. In addition, the overall framework of the project uses Django, and the HTML5+CSS+JavaScript technology is used in the foreground, while the front-end framework BootStrap, crawler technology and selenium automation technology are also used. And what employed are all open-source frameworks, which keep development costs to a minimum and keeping the project running smoothly. Besides, The system has passed the test and the function of each module can run normally.
Key Words: reading cloud notes; Python; B/S; Django; The BootStrap; The crawler.

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