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基于Android+asp.net+SQLite的生产车间产品质量品质管理系统 毕业论文+答辩PPT+项目源码+数据
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

    Abstract:Product quality is the eternal theme, to ensure product quality is to adhere to the sustainable development of enterprises. In recent years, many companies in order to make the management of product quality more intelligent, more efficient, have introduced computer-aided system to manage product quality. However, the conditions of the production workshop will inevitably lead to difficult to computer as a data collection terminal, which is like shoe-making enterprises such traditional manufacturing enterprises are facing another difficult. This paper, the product quality management system is a set of product quality system based on Android terminal, as the realization of the carrier to the shoe-making industry. It is considered from the point of view of the quality control staff, is conducive to quality control staff to carry mobile client, in order to collect quality data. Considered from the point of view of data analysis and business, to facilitate quality data analysis and presentation in the web client. Maintenance personnel, developers, and operating costs from the system point of view, the use of specialized embedded hardware and software to crop equipment as management data server, suitable for the small size and fast computing speed SQLite3 database embedded development. First, this paper first analyze the needs of the project, considering the three angles from the market, technical, economic feasibility of the system. Then, from the point of view of the design pattern analysis of the structure of the system, focusing on description of the function of the system module, and use case diagrams and flow charts intuitively reflect the main functions of the system. After a brief description of the key technologies in the system, including the multi-threading technology, the IO multiplexing technology, SQLite database technology, Socket communication technology and ASP.Net certain kinds of technology. Then, we spent a lot of ink on product quality system implementation, respectively, from the mobile client, the database server side, the web client three aspects of the function design, coding, and the concrete realization of the project three-tier architecture. Finally, the paper briefly describes the instructions for use of the system, system testing, and project summary.
Key words:Product quality management system; quality control system; Android terminal; footwear product quality management system
目   录
1 绪论 4
1.1项目背景 4
1.2项目意义 4
2 需求分析 4
2.1功能性需求 4
2.2非功能性需求 5
3 可行性分析 5
3.1市场可行性 5
3.2技术可行性 5
3.3经济可行性 6
4 系统概要设计 6
4.1系统用例图 6
4.2系统功能模块描述 6
4.2.1手机客户端各功能模块描述 7
4.2.2数据库服务器端各功能模块描述 7
4.2.3网页客户端各功能模块描述 7
4.3系统流程图 7
4.3.1质量数据采集 7
4.3.2数据库服务器 8
4.3.3数据展示与分析 8
4.4 系统运行环境 9
5 系统详细设计 9
5.1系统架构 9
5.2系统设计模式 10
5.2.1传统两层客户机/服务器模式(C/S) 10
5.2.2浏览器/服务器模式(B/S) 10
5.3数据库设计 11
5.3.1表格设计 11
5.3.2数据库配置优化 13
5.4网络连接设计 14
6 系统实现 15
6.1 系统实现关键技术 15
6.1.1多线程服务器 15
6.1.2面向连接的Socket编程模型 16
6.1.3 IO多路复用 17
6.1.4 SQLite3数据库 17
6.1.5 ASP.Net 17
6.2数据库服务器的实现 18
6.2.1概述 18
6.2.2主程序模块 18
6.2.3业务处理模块 19
6.2.4 Socket通信模块 19
6.2.5线程池模块 19
6.2.6字符串处理模块 19
6.2.7数据库访问模块 19
6.2.8调试模块 20
6.2.9 编译、移植和运行 20
6.3手机客户端的实现 21
6.3.1概述 21
6.3.2界面实现 21
6.3.3面向连接的Socket通信模块 21
6.3.4本地缓存模块 22
6.3.5业务逻辑模块 23
6.3.6工程代码架构 23
6.3.7编译与运行 23
6.4网页客户端的实现 24
6.4.1概述 24
6.4.2网页前端 24
6.4.3网页后端 24
6.4.4工程代码架构 25
6.4.5编译与运行 26
7 系统使用说明 26
7.1运行数据库服务器 26
7.2采集质量数据 27
7.3显示分析数据 29
8总结 37
致谢 38
参考文献 38

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