Car Rental Management System
Abstract:With the development of Internet, the traditional manual management mode of vehicle rental industry no longer meets the current needs. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of the vehicle rental industry to optimize the vehicle rental management by using the information technology and system management technology at the present stage. Through the study of the vehicle rental industry and the operation of the actual staff, the overall business needs of the vehicle rental management system are obtained. Through the design and development of the vehicle rental management system, the management of the vehicle rental company is more standardized and clear, which greatly reduces the cost of human resources and management.
Keywords:Car rental;SQL
车辆租赁管理系统 1
Car Rental Management System 1
绪论 4
1 车辆租赁管理系统需求分析 4
1.1 系统需求分析 4
1.2 功能需求分析 5
1.3 性能分析 5
1.3.1 可操作性 5
1.3.2 可靠性 5
1.3.3 安全性 5
1.3.4 可移植性 5
2 开发环境介绍 5
2.1前端 5
2.2后端 6
2.3 项目模式示意图 7
3 系统设计 7
3.1 功能模块设计 7
3.2 详细设计 8
3.3 数据库设计 10
3.3.1 逻辑结构设计 10
3.3.2 ER图 11
3.3.3 物理结构设计 11
4 功能实现 13
4.1 车辆信息查询 13
4.2客户信息查询 18
4.2.1查询已预约的客户 19
4.2.2查询租赁车辆的客户 20
4.2.3查询租赁时间到期但并未还车的客户,进行催车还交 21
4.3司机信息查询 22
4.4业务管理 24
4.4.1 租赁信息查询 24
4.4.2 对某天所得租金进行统计 24
4.4.3 还车结算 26
4.4.4 续约 27
4.5预约信息查询 29
5 目录结构、部署方法与核心代码 29
5.1服务端 29
5.1.1服务端主要文件目录结构 29
5.1.2服务端部署方法 30
5.1.3 核心代码 30
}, 30
maxAge: 5, 30
})); 30
app.use(async (ctx, next) => { 30
await next(); 30
}); 30
app.use(bodyParser()); 30
// add controllers: 30
app.use(controller()); 30
app.listen(3000); 30
5.2客户端 30
5.2.1客户端主要文件目录结构 31
5.2.2客户端部署方法 31
5.2.3核心代码 31
import './index.less' 32
import '@/assets/icons/iconfont.css' 32
import 'v-org-tree/dist/v-org-tree.css' 32
// 实际打包时应该不引入mock 32
Vue.use(iView, { 32
i18n: (key, value) => i18n.t(key, value) 32
Vue.prototype.$config = config 32
router, 32
i18n, 32
store, 32
render: h => h(App) 32