摘 要:贵重物品的防盗监测报警以及周边环境参数采集是现代社会安保和智能化生活的重要组成部分,也是物联网技术领域研究的课题之一。
Abstract: Valuables security monitoring alarm and surrounding environment parameter gathering is an important part of modern social security and intelligent life, is one of the Internet of things technology research topic.
In the sensing layer, through the acceleration sensor + gyroscope data fusion technology, design a rational detection algorithm, improve the accuracy of the mobile detection,also designed a temperature and humidity acquisition module, through the relevant parameter Settings, when the temperature and humidity can not meet the requirements, will automatically generate alarm.
At the transport layer, use the LoRa communication + LoRa/ communication way. In LoRa network, a gateway node is responsible for gathering data from monitoring nodes. through the WiFi module to forward the data to the cloud server, and then by the cloud data to the mobile client distributed server.
Application layer, the Eclipse + write ADT environment connection Android applications for the bottom of the WiFi module data interface, just need to connect the cloud server and would be controlled by the button operation, send corresponding instructions to monitoring nodes, and obtain the monitoring nodes to upload data.
Key words: Multi-sensor data fusion; WiFi; LoRa; Android app; Cloud server
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究内容及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.2 主要研究内容 1
1.2 相关技术与模块介绍 1
1.2.1 LoRa概述 1
1.2.2 WiFi概述 1
1.2.3 Contiki概述 2
1.2.4 MPU6050概述 2
1.2.5 物联网三层架构 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1非机动车防盗报警 3
2.2 大型场馆展品防护报警 3
2.3 国家能源产所监测 3
2.4 家居生活防盗监测 3
2.5 系统优点概述 3
3 功能设计 5
3.1 防盗检测功能 5
3.1.1 检测算法 5
3.2 报警功能 7
3.3 环境参数采集功能 7
3.4 近距离无线传输功能 7
3.5 远距离无线传输功能 7
3.6 组网功能 8
3.7 人机交互功能 8
4 系统实现 9
4.1 感知层 9
4.1.1 压力采集 9
4.1.2 环境感知 9
4.1.3 节点控制中心 9
4.2 传输层 9
4.2.1 广域网实现 9
4.2.2 局域网实现 10
4.3 控制层 10
5 系统测试 12
5.1 执行节点测试 12
5.2 汇聚节点测试 12
5.3 云服务端测试 13
5.4 客户端测试 14
6 结束语 16
6.1 特色与创新 16
6.1.1 多传感器数据融合技术 16
6.1.2 可动态调整的阈值检测算法 16
6.1.3 超远距离超低功耗的LWPAN技术 16
6.1.4 比RSSI更精准的测距和定位技术 16
6.1.5 良好的人机交互界面 16
6.1.6 性能优越的操作系统 17
6.2 系统总结 17
参考文献: 17
致谢 19