摘 要
The air conditioning temperature circuit and programming ideas studied in this paper are based on the MCS-51 series single-chip machine.At the same time, take 1602 two lines of English mode to display, And the main controller is the AT89S52 produced by ATMEL, Combined with DS18B20 temperature sensing elements selected from Dallas products, A high-precision home air conditioning temperature control system based on AT89C52 is designed, The hardware of the system is mainly composed of power supply circuit, temperature acquisition circuit (DS18B20), keyboard, display circuit, output control circuit and other auxiliary circuits; The software is programmed in the 8051C language; The system can complete the display of temperature, temperature setting, air conditioning control and other functions.
Key words: MCU; DS18B20; temperature detection; display
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
1 设计目的及要求 1
1.1 设计目的和意义 1
1.2 设计任务与要求 1
2 硬件电路设计 2
2.1 总体方案设计 2
2.2 功能模块电路设计 3
2.2.1 单片机的选型 3
2.2.2 振荡电路设计 5
2.2.3 复位电路设计 5
2.2.4 键盘接口电路设计 6
2.2.5 温度测量电路设计 6
2.2.6 系统显示电路设计 7
2.2.7 输出控制电路设计 8
2.3 总电路设计 8
2.4 系统所用元器件 9
3 软件系统设计 10
3.1 软件系统总体方案设计 10
3.2 软件流程图设计 10
4 系统调试 11
5 总结 13
5.1 本系统存在的问题及改进措施 13
5.2 心得体会 13
参考文献 14
附录1:系统的源程序清单 15
附录2:系统的PCB图 39