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基于SpringBoot框架的大学生电子健康档案管理系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

近些年来,由于信息化技术,互联网技术以及人类社会的不断发展,电子健康档案快速发展,其在日常查询利用,医疗费用支出等方面的优势日益显现,是国家卫生事业向前发展的必然趋势.高校作为一个人口密度极大的特殊机构,电子健康档案系统的构建对其意义重大.同时,随着社会不断进步,国内档案工作发生了一定程度的改变:国家支持鼓励档案事业的发展,为档案工作的多元化开展提供了保障. 本文首先从大学生电子健康档案管理系统功能设计与保障机制的研究背景进行分析,并阐述了在当前研究背景下的大学生电子健康档案管理系统功能设计与保障机制的研究意义.其次,在对电子文件基本理论阐述的基础上对大学生电子健康档案管理系统的相关理论基础与概念内涵进行了详细介绍,并针对国内外当今与电子健康档案,电子档案管理系统及保障机制等研究相关的文献进行了分析研究并在此基础上总结了研究述评.本文的重点便在包括设计原则,需求分析等的整体规划基础上,根据电子文件管理相关理论,对大学生电子健康档案管理系统进行了功能模块的设计,将大学生电子健康档案从创建采集,存储管理到统计分析,用户管理,服务利用,安全保护等体系化,规范化设计系统功能,并细化各功能模块,使其方便利用及提供服务.
本文从健康管理平台所需要实现的功能模块开始分析,决定使用Java开发该网站。并利用JDK,Idea,Navicat等软件来搭建开发环境,利用Java技术的SpringBoot+Mybatis等开源框架设计三层结构的中业务逻辑层和数据服务层,健康管理平台以SpringBoot 框架为核心,向下整合MybatisPlus进行持久层访问;向上整合按清晰的MVC 模式控制,并且采用spring.security做安全和权限管理。这样可以更快开发松散耦合的健康管理平台。
关键词:SpringBoot ;java;MySQL;健康档案;管理系统
In recent years, due to the continuous development of information technology, Internet technology and human society, the rapid development of electronic health records, its advantages in daily inquiry and utilization, medical expenses are increasingly obvious, which is the inevitable trend of the forward development of national health undertakings.As a special institution with great population density, the construction of electronic health file system is of great significance to its universities.At the same time, with the continuous progress of the society, the domestic archives work has changed to a certain extent: the state supports and encourages the development of the archives cause, which provides a guarantee for the diversified development of the archives work.This paper first analyzes the research background of the functional design and guarantee mechanism of college students' electronic health file management system, and expounds the significance of the research mechanism.Secondly, on the basis of the electronic file theory of electronic health file management system introduces the connotation of the theoretical basis and the concept, and for today at home and abroad and electronic health records, electronic file management system and security mechanism related to the literature analysis and summarized on the basis.On the basis of the design principle, demand analysis, according to the relevant theory of electronic file management, the electronic health file management system, students electronic health files from collection, storage management to statistical analysis, user management, service utilization, security protection, standardized design system functions, and refine the functional modules, make it convenient to use and provide services.
This paper starts with the analysis of the functional modules needed to implement by the health management platform and decides to develop the site using Java.Moreover, JDK, Idea, Navicat and other software are used to build a development environment, and use the open source framework of Java technology to design the medium business logic layer and data service layer with a three-layer structure. The health management platform takes the SpringBoot framework as the core, integrates MybatisPlus down for persistent layer access; integrates upward control by clear MVC mode, and adopts spring.security does security and permission management.This allows for the faster development of loosely coupled health management platforms.
Key words: SpringBoot; java; MySQL; health file; management system
1.项目介绍 1
1.1设计背景 1
1.2 设计目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4软件架构 3
2 系统需求分析 3
2.1 系统目标 3
2.2 系统的功能要求 3
2.2.1 前台功能 3
2.2.2 后台功能 4
2.3 系统的性能需求 4
2.4 系统的数据要求 4
2.4.1 数据的性质 4
2.4.2 数据字典 5
2.4.3 实体联系图 9
3.项目实现 9
4.项目展示 23
登录页 23
4.1医生用户 23
首页 23
健康建议 24
健康阅读 24
添加文章 25
健康档案管理 25
查看档案 26
修改密码 26
4.2普通用户 27
主页 27
个人信息 28
查看个人档案 28
健康阅读 28
4.3管理员用户 29
主页 29
角色管理 29
新增角色 30
用户管理 30
权限管理 31
5.系统测试 32
5.1 编写测试用例 32
登陆测试用例 32
注册测试用例 32
5.2 单元测试 32
5.3 系统和集成测试 33
6 结论 33

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