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基于ARM9平台的网络可视电话设计 毕业设计论文+任务书+开题报告+文献综述
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
  With the development of communication technique,people had more requests for telecom services.Thus,video phone emerged the times require.But the existing system of network video image capture and display based on PC has some disadvantages as follows,high cost,bulky and resource not fully utilized.Meanwhile,the embedded system with low power consumption,small size and low cost can make up for the lack of personal computer.The combination of this system with embedded technology has wide application prospect and practical value with the development of the embedded technology.It becomes one of ifs development trends.
  This paper mainly completed the following works: A solution to embedded video phone terminal based on ARM9 platform and Linux OS is proposed;.building a cross compiler for embedded Linux development environment builded in the host, we transplant system boot program U-Boot,finish transplanting Linux OS kernel on target board successfully, and making the root file system for S3C2440 processor hardware features; we study and research the Video and Audio related equipment driver on Linux OS,and research the image compression coding.And coding to realize the collection of the image compression, according to the transmission and realizes the audio collection, transmission and playing.The structure of video phone system is optimized to match the feature of embedded system hardware.System data throughput and efficiency is improved by multi-threaded;We tested function and performance of the system.
  The experimental results show in this paper: the design of the system acquires the
image quality well and can operate steadily,and it has a good real-time.
Key Words:ARM;Linux;videophone;Embedded System;Image Coding
目  录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3项目开发平台简介 2
1.3.1嵌入式系统与ARM微处理器 2
1.3.2嵌入式Linux 3
1.3.3Qt图形库 3
1.4论文主要研究内容 4
第二章 系统总体设计 5
2.1系统设计的要求 5
2.2系统的硬件设计 5
2.2.1Mini2440开发板介绍 5
2.3 系统软件设计 7
第三章 嵌入式Linux系统移植以及开发环境的搭建 9
3.1Linux操作系统 9
3.1.1为何要使用Linux操作系统 9
3.1.2Linux操作系统内核 9
3.1.3Linux操作系统文件管理 10
3.2 系统开发环境的搭建 11
3.2.1交叉开发环境搭建 12
3.3Linux系统的移植 12
第四章 视频图像的采集、压缩和显示模块实现 14
4.1系统视频图像的采集和编码 14
4.1.1Video4Linux2介绍 14
4.1.2RGB颜色编码和摄像头介绍 15
4.1.3视频图像的编码 17
4.1.4图像采集的实现 17
4.2图像数据网络传输的实现 23
4.2.1TCP/UDP协议介绍 23
4.2.2socket套接字编程 24
4.3视频图像的显示 26
4.3.1Linux帧缓冲设备介绍 26
4.3.2图片数据的接收和显示 27
第五章 音频的采集、传输和回放 30
5.1音频模块的设计 30
5.2音频录制、传输和回放的实现 31
第六章 系统测试和分析 35
6.1系统模块单元测试 35
6.1.1系统界面模块测试 35
6.1.2系统图像模块测试 35
6.1.3系统音频模块测试 37
6.2系统整合测试 37
第七章 总结与展望 38
7.1全文总结 38
7.2展望 38
参考文献 39
致  谢 41

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