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医院科室管理系统 毕业论文+任务书+项目源码(IDEA开发)及数据库文件+运行说明+演示视频
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
论文细致说明了基于SSM 的病院科室经管体系的开辟计划历程。体系以Java为开辟领域,MySql为数据库经管体系,完成病人登记、大夫消息经管、病人消息经管和病人消息经管功效。该体系可以或许知足病院经管的请求,赞助病院有用进步工作服从。
关键词:医院管理系统;科室管理系统;信息管理系统;MySql;Java SSM
In the day of informatization, the role of computer network and the Internet is becoming more and more important, the scale of hospitals is constantly expanding, and the management tasks related to hospital operation are becoming more and more complex, especially the hospital management tasks are becoming more and more complex. It is getting more difficult. At present, most hospital management is still the traditional manual management method, that is, the artificial processing of hospital information. No longer can adapt to social development and real needs. Hospitals play a pivotal role in the development of modern society. No matter the size of the hospital, the department design is very complex, and even the smallest mistake will revive patients. Different departments have different types of communication, and the management personnel at all levels need to timely understand the relevant patient information and drug information of patients, so as to achieve the identification and reasonable placement of relevant links. When the management of complex administrative tasks depends on manual analysis, it is difficult to achieve and ensure the accuracy of the data, leading to poor decision management making. Most small and medium-sized hospitals have not yet realized the informatization of hospital management and medical guidance, and their daily drug dispensing and medical records is heavy. Unable to provide patients with a detailed list of billing items, which creates tension between doctors and patients.
The paper explains the development of economic management system based on SSM. The system takes Java as the field, MySql as the database management system, to complete the effect of patient registration, doctor information management, patient information management and patient information management. The system may be satisfied with its request to sponsor useful progressive work.
Keywords: hospital management system; department management system; information management system; MySql;Java SSM
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目  录 III
1绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究内容及论文结构 5
2系统工具 6
2.1 B/S结构 6
2.1.1 什么是B/S结构 6
2.1.2 B/S架构软件的优势与劣势 6
2.2 Java的介绍 7
2.3 SSM框架 7
2.4 MySql简介 11
3系统分析 12
3.1可行性研究 12
3.1.1 技术可行性 12
3.1.2 经济可行性 12
3.1.3 操作可行性 12
3.1.4 社会可行性 13
3.2 需求分析 13
4系统设计 14
4.1 总体设计 14
4.2 业务流程分析 15
4.2.1 科室业务流程分析 15
4.2.2 资源业务流程分析 16
4.2.3 病人管理业务流程分析 16
4.3数据流程分析 17
4.3.1 科室数据流程分析 17
4.3.2 病人数据流程分析 18
4.3.3 药品及耗材入库流程图 18
4.3.4 ER图 18
4.4数据库的构建 19
4.4.1 科室管理表 19
4.4.2 病人管理表 20
4.4.3 药品及耗材管理表 21
4.4.4 科室职员管理表 22
5系统实现 23
5.1登陆界面 23
5.2 系统首页 27
5.3 医护人员管理 27
5.4 病房管理 30
5.5 收费管理 32
5.6 留言管理 34
5.7 病人管理 36
5.8 出院管理 37
5.9 资源管理 40
5.10 角色管理 41
5.11 用户管理 41
6系统测试 45
6.1单元测试 45
6.2功能测试 46
6.3性能测试 46
总  结 48
致  谢 49
参考文献 50

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