摘 要
This paper constructs a deep learning algorithm experimental platform, which is a service for the deep learning of plaques for carotid artery medical images. The deep learning kit for carotid medical image can be run on this platform. The platform is based on TensorFlow, Caffe, CNTK, Keras, Theano and other depth learning frameworks and can be deployed in the same hardware environment, so you can test the accuracy and efficiency of carotid medical image depth learning in different depth learning frameworks.
Deep learning in voice, image recognition, natural language processing and other fields have made considerable achievements, both the public and the media's eyes, or industry and capital, are crazy to chase the "deep learning" concept The Deep learning framework of the emerging, deep learning boom is set off.
For the above problem, the paper attempts to build a deep learning algorithm experimental platform designed to provide one-stop service for the deep learning users, to reduce the threshold and provide a smooth experience for its exploration in the deep learning. In the context of today's software configuration and management deployment, to simplify application deployment, easy to expand, the platform based on Docker container technology, design and implementation of a lightweight application platform.
Key words:Docker, deep learning, experiment platform
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究现状
1.3 论文内容安排
2 深度学习算法实验平台底层技术介绍
2.1 Docker
2.1.1 Docker技术概述
2.1.2 联合文件系统(AUFS)
2.1.3 数据卷(Data Volume)
2.1.4 Docker Hub与Docker Registry
2.2 Node.js语言和Express框架
2.2.1 Node.js介绍
2.2.2 Express.js
2.3 小结
3 深度学习算法实验平台辅助模块介绍
3.1 Jupyter交互式笔记本
3.1.1 Jupyter简介
3.1.2 Jupyter的安装和使用
3.2 Fabrik深度学习模型建立平台
3.2.1 Fabrik简介
3.2.2 Fabrik的安装和使用
3.3 HyperBoard深度学习Web仪表板
3.3.1 HyperBoard简介
3.3.2 HyperBoard的安装和使用
3.4 小结
4 深度学习算法实验平台的设计与实现
4.1 深度学习平台总体设计思想
4.2 深度学习Docker镜像的设计与实现
4.2.1 Docker镜像设计前期准备
4.2.2 深度学习框架的选择
4.2.3 深度学习Docker镜像的实现
4.3 算法实验平台的设计与实现
4.3.1 算法平台的设计
4.3.2 算法平台的实现
4.4 小结
5 深度学习算法实验平台的部署与测试
5.1 部署
5.2 系统测试
5.3 小结
6 总结与展望
致 谢
参 考 文 献