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基于移动平台的会展导游系统APP设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要







In this page, an android mobile application system called ExGuide, which is based on Baidu Application Engine and near field communication technology is introduced here. The page will not only show the idea of the system, but also the design and implementation of which.

The idea comes from scene of exhibition. When you attend an exhibition, such as GuangZhou  Auto show , a motley variety of new cars or sexual Models will be displayed there You may be distracted by them, and can’t focus  your attention .You may not get what you wants immediately and fully. A direct mail can’t satisfy your requirement. So this android mobile application is design to deal with the situation mentioned above.

Client / Server architecture is applied on this system ,the Server is deployed on Baidu Application Engine .With the cloud ability of Baidu Application Engine, the Client will provides rich media of exhibition and  production for users, Baidu Location Based Service Cloud Service search restaurant near by venue for users, Baidu Personal Cloud Storage Service can save the rich media attachment on internet .On the other side, visitors should enjoy their trip by publishing what they see  in exhibition through Sina Weibo with ExGuide Client .

This page will introduce the background of the idea of ExGuide first ,then analyze the current situation of advertising system , point out whose weakness. In addition , Baidu  Application Engine will be introduced too. Finally , it will estimate its value that bring for exhibitor .

Keyword: Baidu Application Engine, Near Filed Communication ,Exhibiton, Requirement, System Design, Mobile Internet


摘  要


第一章 绪论

1.1 会展经济

1.1.1 需求背景

1.1.2 面临的问题

1.2 移动互联网

1.2.1 移动互联网概述

1.2.2 将会展驶入移动互联网快车道

1.3 项目意义

1.4 系统概要介绍

第二章 基础技术介绍

2.1 百度云开发环境

2.1.1 百度应用引擎(BAE)

2.1.2 百度LBS云

2.1.3 百度个人云存储(PCS)

2.2 安卓(Android)系统简介

2.2.1 应用程序

2.2.2 应用程序框架

2.2.3 系统运行库

2.3 近场通讯技术(NFC)

2.4 会展导游系统架构概述和运行原理

2.5 小结

第三章 需求分析

3.1 用户需求分析

3.1.1 用例1

3.1.2 用例2

3.1.3 用例3

3.1.4 用例4

3.1.5 用例5

3.1.6 用例6

3.2 系统需求分析

3.2.1 系统界面运行流畅

3.2.2 第三方授权

3.3 小结

第四章 系统概要设计

4.1 系统前端设计

4.1.1 交互与原型设计

4.1.2 瀑布流布局

4.2 系统后端设计

4.2.1 系统模块设计

4.3 系统视图层设计

4.3.1 展会列表界面刷新流程

4.3.2 展会概要界面刷新流程

4.3.3 展品详情界面刷新流程

4.4 小结

第五章 系统详细设计与实现

5.1 视图层详细设计与实现

5.1.1 展会列表首页的详细设计与实现

5.1.2 展会详情页的详细设计与实现

5.1.3 展品详情页的详细设计与实现

5.2 逻辑层详细设计与实现

5.2.1 联系人模块详细设计与实现

5.3 关键问题及解决方案

5.3.1 瀑布流图片的设计与实现

5.3.2 资源加载任务的设计与实现

5.3.3 异步加载线程的设计与实现

5.4 小结

第六章 总结与展望

6.1 总结

6.2 展望



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