基于Visual Basic 6.0开发环境的学生学籍管理系统的研究和开发
目 录
第一章 开发学籍管理信息系统的概述.......4
一、应用背景................ 4
二、系统发展现状及发展前景........ 4
三、本系统的概述................ 4
第二章 系统总体分析.............6
2.1 系统可行性分析..............6
2.2.1 系统建设目标.............7
2.2.2 系统基本情况描述..........7
2.2 系统的功能模型...........7
第三章 系统总体设计..........8
3.1 模块的设计 ............8
3.2 系统的整体流程............9
3.3 数据库的设计.......9
第四章 系统详细设计及其实现.....12
4.1 功能模块设计及其实现 ......12
4.1.1 系统预览............12
4.1.2 建立数据连接...........15
4.2 代码实现..........17
摘 要
管理、查找、学籍管理、报表五个模块阐述了系统的分析、设计与实现过程。该系统采用 Visual Basic6.0为工具开发而成。具有界面友好,使用简单灵活,数据安全可靠性高等特点。系统的运行将减轻教务人员的工作负担,提高工作效率,并为教师和学生提供良好的查询服务。
关键词 浏览器/服务器 学籍管理系统 数据库
Informative campus construction is the important part of higher school construction , is a basicness, long-termness and regular work, its construction level is college whole run a school the important sign of level, school image and position. The development of IT may be called to change with each passing day, however it the application on educational teaching compare hysteresis. In last few years the campus informative construction of each school in as fire as Tu land go on , is many as " campus informative management " have been mentioned , but is still in trial stage mostly for the present overall condition of nation-wide college, us still in grope how talent more let these IT means serve educational teaching efficiently. University relative middle_primary school, possess more and more professional talent , grasp more technology and information , have more active thought, should in this walk on the road in front. How to lead into informative technology come in modern laboratory management , have been the program that put in front of our each staff.
In this paper, we studied the design and completion of the educational administration management system of student's status and grades. Five system modules are divided to discuss the analysis, design and implement processing of the system. They are the user's type module, the information looked over and had a look around module, the looking for module,the roll is managed module and the report form module. It is developed by Visual Basic 6.0 .It has many advantages such as convenient operating, windows friendly interface and high data security etc. The educational administrator's work will be lightened and their efficiency will be improved with the running of this system which provides good services for the teachers and students.
Keywords browser/ server administrative system of the roll database
一、 应用背景
在学校,尤其是在各大高校,学籍信息是学校的一项重要的数据资源,学籍管理也是学校的一项常规性的重要工作。现今的知识时代,人们有很强的时间观念,如果仍使用手工操作来进行 ,其工作量可想而知。不仅浪费了大量的人力物力,而且由于人工管理存在着大量的不可控因素,造成了学籍管理的某些不规范,使得学籍管理陷入“事半功倍”的地步。此外,信息化校园建设是高等学校建设的重要部分,它对学校领导和教师全面了解学生情况,并及时改进教学管理和教学方法等都起着重要作用,是一项基础性、长期性和经常性的工作,其建设水平是高校整体办学水平、学校形象和地位的重要标志。教育的进步和高等学校的发展及改革的深化,对学籍管理工作的严肃性、准确性和适时性提出了更高要求。