目 录
摘 要
第一章 设计概论
1.1 设计依据和设计任务
1.2 进出水水质
第二章 工艺流程的确定
2.1 城市污水处理的现状和发展
2.2 污水处理中生物方法的比较
2.3 工艺流程的确定
2.4 物料衡算
第三章 污水处理系统设计计算
3.1 粗格栅
3.2 泵站
3.3 细格栅
3.4 沉砂池
3.5 氧化沟
3.6 二沉池的设计和计算
4.1 污泥量计算
4.2 污泥浓缩池
4.3 消化池
4.4 脱水间
第五章 污水处理厂总体布置
5.1 污水厂厂址选择
5.2 污水厂平面布置
5.3 污水厂的高程布置
第六章 劳动定员
6.1 生产组织
6.2 劳动定员
6.3 人员培训
第七章 工程技术经济分析
7.1 土建费用及主要设备材料费用
7.2 运行费用计算
7.3 工资福利开支
7.4 生产用水水费开支
7.5 运费
7.6 维护维修费
7.7 管理费用
7.8 运行成本核算
第八章 环境保护 、建筑防火和职业安全防护
8.1 环境保护
8.2 厂区绿化
8.3 建筑防火
8.4 职业安全防护
专 业:环境工程 学 号:**********
学生姓名:*** 指导教师:**
摘 要
City sewage treatment by the Oxidize ditch method process
The topic of this design is the design of sewage treatment plant in one City using the oxidation ditch craft. The main task is the selections of process flow and the designs and calculation constructions used in process flow.
During the preliminary design ,we must complete a brochure, a general layout a map, an elevation map. a flow chart, a map of major equipment, piping layout, one; Construction of structures to deal with individual designs, is complete oxidation ditch plans and profiles. The sewage treatment plant project, the total amount to 80,000 tons / day. The wastewater treatment plant sewage treatment process : from the pumping station to Grit Chamber, enter oxidation ditch, two sedimentation tank, the final effluent; Sludge Process : two from the settling tank discharge of the first to reach the remaining sludge thickening tank, sludge thickening, and then enter Digester, After digestion of sludge sent to the belt filter presses, and further dehydration, transported to the landfill. Implementation of the national sewage effluent discharge standards (GB8978-1996) 2 standard.
Key words:The craft of oxidation ditch; digestion tank