摘 要
【关键词】 药品库房管理 数据库 Visual Basic
In our country,with the medicine system reform going on and medicine chain business promoting and more and more business competition,more and more medicine chain corporations shall be aware of the importance of improving the level of enterprise's management and also want to speed up the procession of information management。
In medicine business, most of the medicine corporation has been using manual work to deal with the management of goods and finance and information processing. But,after the change of medicine business structure and a brand new market surrounding,the manual work is a big obstacle for medicine corporation and the key to medicine corporation's success should be the management and efficiency. This demand medicine management to get away manual work and manage the medicine data intelligently and promote medicine's development。
Gradually,with computer technique's common use,medicine corporation use computer technique to improve management and efficiency to win the market competition。So ,the medicine management information system has been the necessary tool to realize the network management and information management。It's also the key part to medicine corporation's business management。Meanwhile,software high degree environment and database technique which are the technique base of developing medicine management information system lowered system's develop cost。System's develop tool which is intelligent and personalized satisfy medicine corporation's demands。Manage person、goods、funds、information from various parts of medicine corporation。What the market needs and the support of technique will lead the emergence of perfect medicine management software。
【Keywords】Medicine story management Database Visual Basic
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 医药库房信息系统发展概况 1
1.1 药材公司库房信息系统的定义 1
1.2 药材公司库房信息系统的发展历史与现状 2
第2章 系统分析 5
2.1 系统可行性研究 5
2.2 现行系统的详细调查 5
2.2.1行政系统的组织结构图如下: 5
2.2.2现行系统的管理的管理职能: 6
2.2.3 业务流程分析: 6
2.3现行医药管理存在的问题 7
2.4 业务分析 8
2.5 功能需求 9
2.6 性能需求 10
2.7 运行环境需求 10
2.8 安全性、保密性、可靠性的要求 11
2.9界面要求 11
2.10 异常处理要求 11
2.11新系统逻辑模型的提出 12
第3章 系统设计 13
3.1 系统总体结构设计 13
3.2 系统详细设计 13
3.2.1 数据库设计 13
第4章 系统实现 19
4.1 应用程序开发 19
4.2系统转换 35
总结 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38
第一章 医药库房信息系统发展概况
1.1 药材公司库房信息系统的定义
药材公司库房信息系统(Medince Information System,MIS),按照Morris F. Collen所给的定义 是:利用电子计算机和通讯设备,为药材公司库房所属各部门提供病人诊疗信息(Patient Care Information)和行政管理信息(Administration Information)的收集(Collect)、存储(Store)、处理(Process)、提取(Retrieve)和数据交换(Communicate)的能力,并满足所有授权用户(Authorized)的功能需求。