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交流电机直接转矩控制仿真设计 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+中期报告+源码+仿真模型
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要



但直接转矩控制中因开关频率不稳定,存在磁链控制不对称,转矩脉动大等问题,因此本文运用MATLAB这一高性能仿真软件构建了一个交流电机直接转矩控制系统,采用三点式转矩调节方法优化空间电压矢量的选择,给出了较为详细的设计步骤。利用MATLAB Sim Power Systems控制仿真,对传统的双闭环交流电机调速系统进行改造,对于我们提高交流电动机双闭环调速系统的控制性能有重要的指导意义。仿真结果表明该控制方法较传统的直接转矩控制方法具有更好的动态,稳态性能,为实际系统设计提供了依据。



With the development of power electronics and computer technology, the advantages of AC motor become more and more prominent, and are widely used in high reliability requirements because of its small size, light weight and high efficiency. Direct torque control is widely used in AC motor control because of its simplicity and easy implementation, fast torque response and strong robustness.

The three-phase AC motor is widely used in the field of electric drive automatic control system. The traditional AC motor double closed-loop speed regulation system adopts PI control controller with limited amplitude with simple structure and stable performance. However, due to the change of motor parameters and nonlinear characteristics, the parameters of PI controller are difficult to reach the optimal state, and the parameters are difficult to follow the dynamic changes in the field.

However, due to the unstable switching frequency, asymmetric flux control and large torque ripple in direct torque control, a direct torque control system for AC motor is constructed by using MATLAB high performance simulation software. The three-point torque regulation method is used to optimize the selection of space voltage vector and the detailed design steps are given. By using MATLAB Sim Power Systems control simulation, the traditional double closed loop AC motor speed regulation system is reformed, which has important guiding significance for us to improve the control performance of AC motor double closed loop speed regulation system. The simulation results show that the control method has better dynamic and steady performance than the traditional direct torque control method, which provides the basis for the actual system design.

Keywords: three-phase AC motor; mathematical model; MATLAB simulation; direct torque; speed control

目  录

摘  要


第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.2 研究现状及发展趋势



1.3 研究内容及章节安排

第2章 直接转矩控制系统理论

2.1 概述

2.2 三相交流电动机的数学模型

2.3 逆变器的数学模型与电压空间矢量

2.4 直接转矩控制系统的组成

2.5 磁链调节

2.6 转矩调节

2.7 空间电压矢量对定子磁链和转矩的影响

2.7.1 空间电压矢量对定子磁链的影响

2.7.2 空间电压矢量对电磁转矩的影响

第3章 直接转矩控制系统的MATLAB仿真






第4章 仿真结果及分析

第5章 工作总结与展望

5.1 总结

5.2 展望

致  谢


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