摘 要
This paper is based on the machinery design and machinery principle and the 3d drawing software and related knowledge and theory, by collecting relevant data of sewing machine and reading the related literature books and referring to the sewing machine in the tailor shop, first of all, design the main parts institutional model of the sewing machine, secondly use the Solidworks 3D drawing software to conduct the part modeling which was designed well, and then conduct assembly design which the parts was built, get the corresponding assembly model, finally conduct movement simulation to the corresponding assembly model.
Key Words: sewing machine, Solidworks, part modeling ,assembly design, movement simulation
目 录
第1章引言 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究思路 1
1.3 研究的目标与意义 1
第2章环保型割草机的概述 2
2.1 环保型割草机的组成部件 2
2.2 环保型割草机的主要机构及其功能
2.3 环保型割草机的机构系统与传动路线
3.1 三维软件Solidworks的简介 6
3.2 零件介绍
3.3 零件建模
3.3.1 草图绘制
3.3.2 部分零件三维模型建立过程
3.3.3 Solidworks Toolbox的引用
第4章环保型割草机的总体装配 17
4.1 装配的定义及意义
4.2 环保型割草机两个主要机构的装配
4.2.1 齿轮传动机构的装配过
4.2.2 带传动的装配过程
第5章环保型割草机的运动仿真模拟 27
5.1 干涉检查
5.2 环保型割草机的动画制作及其主要零部件的运动图解
参考文献 43
致谢 44