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摘  要


本文介绍了由jsp+servlet +mysql实现的学生信息管理系统,该系统涵盖了学生信息管理,班级信息管理,教师信息管理,考勤信息,课程信息,学生成绩信息等一系列学校信息管理所需要的功能。

关键词:学生成绩管理系统 JAVA  servlet


At present, information technology is in the stage of rapid development. In order to promote the reform of teaching methods and teaching concepts, the traditional way of education has developed into a new mode of education. As a new management tool, the system is used to provide services to all students and staff in schools, including comprehensive quality assessment and professional level detection, and to provide schools with intelligent data and data analysis tools. When designing and developing student achievement management system, we use Java as the development platform, apply relevant knowledge and methods of project management and software engineering, adopt the most popular B/S architecture, and use MySQL as the database technology. In the early stage of system development, it focuses on the research significance, background, development status at home and abroad, current achievement management in primary and secondary schools, and introduces in detail the methods and technologies applied in the design and development of the system. On this basis, the feasibility analysis, functional requirements, overall requirements and non-functional requirements of the student information management system are carried out. The overall structure of student information management system is designed. At the same time, each module of the system is designed and introduced in detail, including student information, teacher basic information, curriculum information, school information management, system management and statistical analysis. As the most critical part of the system, database design is analyzed in this paper. The system has friendly operation interface, which facilitates the management and upgrading of the system in the later stage, realizes the informatization and unification of student information management, ensures the quality and level of student information management, and significantly improves the efficiency of student information management.

This paper introduces a student information management system implemented by JSP + servlet + mysql. The system covers a series of functions needed by school information management, such as student information management, class information management, teacher information management, attendance information, course information, student achievement information, etc.

Key words: student achievement management system  JAVA   Servlet

目  录


目  录

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景、目的及意义

1.2 学生信息管理系统部署现状及未来发展趋势

1.2.1 学生信息管理系统部署的现状

1.2.2 学生管理系统未来发展趋势

第二章 可行性分析

2.1 经济可行性

2.2 技术可行性

2.3 操作可行性

2.4 系统的技术介绍

2.4.1 Javascript

2.4.2 JQuery

2.4.3 MySQL

2.4.4 Servlet

2.4.5 easyui

2.5 系统开发平台及运行环境

2.5.1 系统开发平台

2.5.2 运行环境

第三章 需求分析

3.1 系统功能模块概述和分析

3.1.1 信息需求分析

3.1.2 功能需求分析

3.1.3 性能需求分析

3.2 系统功能模块设计

3.3 数据库分析

3.4 数据库的物理结构设计

第四章 学生信息管理系统的设计与实现

4.1 用户及角色管理

4.2 学生信息管理

4.3 班级信息管理

4.4 教师信息管理

4.5 课程信息管理

4.6 考勤信息统计

4.8 学生成绩管理

第五章 系统测试

5.1 测试的目的与目标

5.2 测试方法

5.3 测试用例

5.4 测试结论

第六章 结论与展望

第七章 致谢

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