关键词: 清洁器 曲柄滑块 吸尘器 步进电机
With the improvement of people's living standard, people put forward higher requirements for household cleaning, using a new type of household cleaner substitutes the traditional heavy manual cleaning work, in recent years has received research attention both at home and abroad.
Aiming at home cleaning requirements, design the new cleaner. First, analysis the functional demand for cleaner, transmission principle scheme is determined by the rotation of the impeller, generates negative pressure dust extraction, surface cleaning is realized by a crank slider mechanism. Secondly, carries on the design to the cleaner structure, so that the cleaner can not only meet the functional requirements, and convenient installation and debugging. Thirdly, design and calculation of transmission parts.
A new type of family cleaner designed stylish compact, reasonable structure, low cost, adopts intelligent control. Have broad market prospects.
Keywords: cleaner slider-crank cleaner stepper motor
第一章 绪论 1
1.1家用清洁器的意义和国内外现状 1
1.1.1家用清洁器的意义 1
1.1.2家用清洁器国内外的现状 1
1.2现有同类设计 2
第二章 方案提出及论证 5
第三章 新型清洁器原理方案设计 7
3.1吸尘器的原理 7
3.2 曲柄滑块机构 8
3.2.1曲柄滑块的运动学特性 8
第四章 新型家用清洁器结构设计 10
4.1 新型家用清洁器总体结构布置 10
4.2家用清洁器结构设计 11
4.3新型家用清洁器行走部位结构设计 12
4.3.1全自动吸尘器主要参数计算 12
4.3.2轴的结构设计 15
4.3.3轴的强度校核 16
第五章 锥齿轮传动设计 19
5.1、圆锥直齿齿轮传动的计算 19
第六章 总结 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24