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摘  要

当前,科学研究、工程建设中电子文档、文献大量的涌现,这些电子文档、文献大都分散地存储于个人计算机中,缺乏科学合理的管理,文献的安全性较差,检索困难,难以实现对文档、文献的共享访问控制,降低了文档、文献本身的价值和使用率,因而,如何实现对文献进行高效、科学的管理成为一个亟待解决的难题。针对这一需求背景,本文研究了基于Java Web的文献管理系统的设计和具体实现。




Currently, scientific research, construction of electronic documents, documents the emergence of a large number of these electronic documents, literature mostly dispersed stored in a personal computer, the lack of scientific and reasonable management, document security is poor, retrieval difficulties, it is difficult to realize the document literature shared access control, reducing the documentation, the value and utilization of literature itself, and thus, how to achieve efficient literature, scientific management has become a pressing problem. In response to this demand background, this paper studied the literature Java Web-based management system design and implementation.

This paper describes the scientific literature management system architecture, working principle and other aspects of knowledge management system for scientific literature describes the research status and development direction, further analysis of the science and technology reference management system related technologies. Then introduced the scientific literature management system functional requirements. Next article describes the system-level division and models and options. Around technology reference management system architecture, the use of UML abstract object model for system design. In the final use JSP, Servlet, Jcom, POI and other core technology to solve how to read the literature online, how to store documents, how to cut down the literature, how to read various types in Java to retrieve the contents of the file, as well as how to beautify the front interface, and user login authentication methods and other issues, and test the software made ​​a note, and finally achieve scientific and technological reference management system. Allowing administrators from the heavy work out, so that administrators can use the system later on scientific literature is extremely easy to manage.

Keywords: Scientific literature management system, Read online, Web, Retrieve file contents, Downloading files

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪  论 1

1.1  课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1  国内研究现状 1

1.2.2  国外研究现状 2

1.3  论文研究内容 3

1.4  本文结构 3

第2章 相关技术 4

2.1  JSP技术简介 4

2.2  SQL Server数据库技术简介 5

2.3  JDBC 技术简介 6

2.4  B/S模式分析 7

2.5  JCOM 相关技术 9

2.6  POI 相关技术 10

2.7  PDFbox 相关技术 10

2.8  SWFTools 相关技术 11

2.9  JavaScript相关技术 11

第3章  需求分析 12

3.1  系统需求总述 12

3.2  功能性需求分析 12

3.2.1  用户管理 12

3.2.2  文献管理 14

3.2.3文献浏览 14

3.3  非功能需求分析 15

3.3.1  硬件环境 15

3.3.2  软件环境 16

3.3.3  界面需求 16

3.3.4  响应时间需求 17

3.3.5  经济可行性 17

3.3.6  操作可行性 17

3.3.7  法律可行性 17

3.3.8  系统安全性需求 17

3.4  本章小结 18

第4章  系统设计 19

4.1  概要设计 19

4.1.1  体系结构的设计 19

4.1.2  系统层次结构 19

4.2  详细设计 21

4.2.1  系统功能模块图 21

4.2.2  用户管理 21

4.2.3  文献管理 23

4.2.4  文献浏览 25

4.2.5  数据存储设计 27

4.3  本章小结 29

第5章  系统实现 30

5.1  模块功能的具体实现 30

5.1.1  用户管理模块 30

5.1.2  文献管理模块 31

5.1.3  文献浏览模块 33

5.2  主要技术难题及解决方案 36

5.2.1  在线浏览问题 36

5.2.2  word文件与PDF文件内容的检索 38

5.2.3  下载文件文件名中文显示问题 39

5.3  本章小结 40

第6章  系统测试 41

6.1  功能性测试 41

6.1.1  系统登录模块 41

6.1.2  用户管理模块 41

6.1.3  文献管理模块 42

6.1.4  文献浏览模块 43

6.2  非功能测试 44

6.2.1  GUI测试 44

6.2.2  性能测试 44

6.2.3  安全性测试 44

第7章 总结与展望 45

7.1  结论 45

7.2  展望 45

参考文献 46

致谢 47

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