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With the rapid development of computer technology in China, network information technology has brought great convenience to people. It is widely used in all aspects of people's production and life, including finance, scientific research, education and other fields. It is related to the economic interests of the country, making network attacks everywhere, especially for the global open network information, local and even global network information loopholes Occurrence, network information security form research, strengthen network information technology security is related to national security, national development. Especially in the era of globalization and information, once data leakage occurs, the loss caused is immeasurable. Therefore, it is of great significance to advocate network security and constantly strengthen the construction of network information security to protect the overall image and interests of enterprises. Based on this, based on the overview of network information technology and its vulnerability, this paper discusses the common network attack methods, puts forward relevant strategies, and analyzes the Countermeasures of network security construction, so as to eliminate the hidden dangers of network information security and provide theoretical basis for creating a good network information environment.

Key words: computer; network information technology; security; preventive measures

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1 引言 1

2 网络安全概述 1

2.1网络信息安全的概念 1

2.2网络信息安全的脆弱性 1

2.3网络攻击方法 2

2.3.1拒绝服务攻击 2

2.3.2 利用型攻击 2

2.3.3信息搜集型攻击 2

2.3.4 假信息攻击 2

2.3.5 脚本和 Activex 跨站攻击 3

3网络信息安全存在的主要问题 3

3.1病毒传播 3

3.2黑客攻击 4

3.3系统漏洞 4

3.4 网络诈骗 4

3.5 硬件问题 5

3.6用户安全意识 5

4网络信息安全防范策略 5

4.1 应用计算机杀毒软件 6

4.2 构建网络信息安全防火墙 6

4.3 安装漏洞补丁程序 7

4.4 应用数字签名和文件加密技术 7

4.5 隐藏IP地址 8

4.6 加强网络监控和入侵检测 9

4.7 设置有效的访问权限 9

4.8 强化计算机网络信息安全意识 9

结语 10

致谢 11

参考文献 12

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