摘 要
文中以作业管理系统为背景,探讨了利用UML进行面向对象的分析与设计,并对系统进行了用例建模、动态建模和交互建模。基于.NET的作业管理系统以增加师生之间的沟通,提高作业管理的效率,提高教学效率为目的,该系统主要分为管理员、教师和学生三大模块。本系统采用的体系结构为B/S结构,利用ASP.NET技术进行设计,后台选用SQL Server 2008数据库。
Homework Management System Based on .NET
Abstract: This paper takes the homework management system for the background, adopts object-oriented analysis and design by utilizing UML, and uses the modeling technology of case modeling, dynamic modeling and interaction modeling. The homework management system based on .NET aims to increase the communication between teachers and students, enhance the effectiveness of homework management, and improve teaching efficiency. This system can be broadly divided into three modules as follows: administrator, teacher and student. This system adopts B/S architecture, uses the ASP.NET technology for designing the dynamic web page, and chooses SQL Server 2008 as the background database.
Key words:.NET; AJAX; UML; homework management; object-oriented