目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
前 言 2
一、中小企业与品牌营销的相关理论 2
(一)中小企业的概念 2
(二)品牌及品牌营销的概述 3
二、浙江中小企业的品牌营销现状 4
(一)品牌意识不强 5
(二)品牌定位不明确 5
(三)品牌营销策划管理人员的缺失 6
(四)缺乏品牌文化 6
(五)品牌营销受制于企业规模 7
三、浙江中小企业实施品牌营销原则 7
(一)品牌定位要清晰 7
(二)切忌品牌形象的朝令夕改 7
(三)品牌塑造要诚信 8
(四)以品牌建设为中心 8
四、解决浙江中小企业品牌营销问题的措施 8
(一)科学的进行品牌定位 9
(二)建立专门的品牌管理体制 9
(三)培育品牌文化 10
(四)提升品牌影响力 12
五、实证分析 12
六、结束语 13
参考文献 13
[摘 要]自我国加入WTO以来,我国的国内市场日益与国际接轨。而国内市场上也日益被国内国外的知名品牌所占据。品牌与品牌营销已经成为了市场竞争中的主旋律,成为了企业的核心竞争力。在这激烈的市场竞争中,中小企业与大的企业相比一直都处在弱势,其主要的原因在于品牌的缺失。强大的品牌往往能够创造出一批强势的企业。本文通过对浙江的中小企业品牌营销的研究,分析浙江中小企业品牌营销现状,着重分析在实施品牌营销中存在的主要问题,制定浙江中小企业实施品牌营销的原则,最后提出解决浙江中小企业品牌营销问题的措施。
[关键词] 中小企业;品牌;品牌策略;品牌营销
[Abstract] Since China's accession to WTO, China's growing domestic market with international standards. The domestic market is also increasingly well-known brands of domestic and foreign occupation. Brand and brand marketing has become the main theme of the market competition has become the core competitiveness of enterprises. In the fierce market competition, SMEs and large enterprises have been compared in a vulnerable, the main reason is the lack of brand. Strong brands are often able to create a number of strong companies. Based on the small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang Province of brand marketing, brand marketing situation of SMEs in Zhejiang Province, focusing on brand marketing in the implementation of the main problems, the development of SMEs in Zhejiang, the principles of brand marketing, and finally propose solutions to small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang Brand Marketing On measures.
[Key words] SMEs; brand; Brand strategy; Brand Marketing