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摘    要



本系统主要解决患者在需要就医时的挂号难的问题,以MyEclipse为开发工具,在设计方面采用B/S模式,采用当前最先进、最流行的WEB开发框架和技术之一的SSH框架(Struts + Spring + Hibernate)来完成整个系统的设计,在数据库的设计上利用了MySQL的便利性和实用性。



Aiming at the problem of low efficiency of traditional manual registration, patient registration difficult work, decided to develop the hospital network registration system. The system design and implementation of the appointment system for the operation of the hospital foundation, make an appointment for hospital management to provide good conditions, make the hospital appointment registration management more efficient, more scientific.

This system is divided into user and administrator role. The user is registered, login, departments and expert information browsing, registration, message and other operations. The administrator of the department management, expert management, user management, order management, message management, bulletin management operation. The development of this system includes two aspects of the development of database creation and maintenance, and front-end application. The former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, security good database. For the latter requires the development of the system provides friendly man-machine interface, data can be input, query, modify, sorting and other functions.

This system is mainly to solve the patients in need medical treatment of the registration problem, using MyEclipse as a development tool, used in the design of B/S mode, using SSH framework of the WEB development framework and the most advanced technology, the most popular of the (Struts + Spring + Hibernate) to finish the design of the whole system, using the MySQL convenience and practicality in the database design.

Key Words:Appointment Registration,JSP,Structural Analysis,Platform

4.2.1后台管理员模块设计 16

4.2.2前台用户模块设计 17

4.3系统数据库设计 18

4.3.1概念结构设计 18

4.3.2逻辑结构设计 21

4.3.3数据库表设计 22

4.4系统开发工具与开发模式的选择 23

4.4.1系统开发工具 23

4.4.2系统设计模式 24

5  系统实现 25

5.1用户模块 25

5.1.1登录及注册管理模块 25

5.1.2首界面 26

5.1.3用户注册界面 27

5.1.4公告界面 27

5.1.5科室预约界面 28

5.1.6留言界面 30

5.2管理员模块 30

5.2.1登录界面 30

5.2.2科室管理界面 31

5.2.3添加专家界面 31

6  性能测试与分析 33

6.1测试的重要性 33

6.2测试实例的研究与选择 33

6.3测试环境与测试条件 34

6.4实例测试 34

6.5系统评价 35

6.6测试结果 35

总    结 36

致    谢 37

参 考 文 献 38

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