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目  录

1引言 1

1.1课题简介 1

1.2开发的意义 1

1.3课题开发计划 1

1.4开发的主要工作 1

2系统分析 3

2.1问题定义 3

2.2可行性研究 3

2.2.1 经济可行性 3

2.2.2 技术可行性 3

2.2.3 运行可行性 3

2.3 需求分析 4

2.4 开发环境 4

2.4.1硬件环境 4

2.4.2软件环境 4

2.5开发工具简介 5

2.5.1 Visual Studio 2008 5

3系统总体设计 7

3.1系统设计原则 7

3.2系统设计目标 7

3.3系统的功能设计 7

3.4UML用例图分析 8

3.5系统功能模块结构 8

4数据库设计 10

4.1数据库设计原则 11

4.2数据库设计技巧 11

4.3数据库视图设计 12

4.3.1局部视图设计 12

4.4数据库逻辑结构设计 17

4.5 ADO.NET 对象编程模型 21

5系统详细设计 26

5.1首页 26

5.2 UserInfo控件设计 26

5.3 服务预约设计 27

5.4供求信息设计 29

5.5条件查询设计 30

5.6动态工种管理设计 31

5.7新闻管理设计 31

5.8 其他 33

6测试 36

6.1测试的思想与理论 36

6.2系统测试 36

6.2.1测试策略 36

6.2.2实际测试过程 36

7  结论 38

致谢 40

参考文献 41


[摘要] 家政服务管理系统是典型的管理信息系统(MIS),其开发主要包括数据库的建立和维护及应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求具有一定的一致性和安全性,而对于后者则要求程序功能完备易用性好等特点。

本软件主要采用C#实现,后台数据库采用SQL Server,实现了服务预约,供求信息发布,服务信息预览,网站信息发布,以及多种管理功能。用户可方便的进行预约,查询,发布,条件搜索,动态工种生成等操作。

[关键词] visual studio 2008    家政服务系统

Design and Implementation of

Household Management Service System Based on B/S

[Abstract] domestic service management system is a typical management information system (MIS), including the day after its development of the establishment and maintenance of database and application development in the preceding two aspects. The former calls for the establishment of consistency, a good base line data security. As for the latter procedure requires a fully functioning and good ease of use.

After analysis, the company used Microsoft development tools, visual studio 2008, using a variety of its object-oriented development tools, especially in areas such as data window can make it easier for simple manipulation of the intelligent object databases, the first in a short period of time to establish system prototype, and then, the demand for the original prototype iteration, and constantly revised and improved customer satisfaction to know the formation of a viable system.

The need to achieve the functions of the software is: service booking, supply and demand information, service information preview, website information, as well as a variety of management functions. Convenient for users to make reservations, inquiries, publish, search conditions, the dynamic types of generating functions.

[Key words] visual studio 2008 eviornment

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