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摘要 3


第一章  概述 5

1.1  设计背景 5

1.2  设计任务 7

第二章  太阳能热水器及控制系统简介 8

2.1  热水器及系统工作原理 8

2.2  控制系统设计原则 9

2.3  主控方案 9

2.4  温度检测方案 9

2.5  水位检测方案 10

2.6  显示方案 10

2.7  时钟方案 11

第三章  控制系统硬件设计 12

3.1  总体设计 12

3.2  主控模块 14

3.2.1  单片机接口配置 14

3.2.2  复位电路 14

3.2.3  时钟电路 15

3.3  温度测量模块 15

3.3.1  DS18B20简介 15

3.3.2 温度测量电路接线图 16

3.4  水位检测模块 18

3.5  显示模块 19

3.5.1  LCD1602电气接线图 19

3.5.2  LCD1602技术参数及接口说明 19

3.6  实时时钟 20

3.6.1  DS1302简介 20

3.6.2  时钟电路电气原理图 20

3.7  驱动模块 21

3.6.1  上水电磁阀驱动电路 21

3.6.2  自动加热驱动电路 21

3.8  按键模块 23

3.8.1 按键模块简介 23

3.8.2 按键抖动处理 23

第四章  控制系统软件设计 25

4.1  实时时钟软件设计 25

4.1.1  DS1302时钟地址及数据格式 25

4.1.3  DS1302软件流程 26

4.1.4  时间读取子程序 26

4.1.5  时间设置子程序 27

4.1.6  日期BCD转字符程序 27

4.1.7  时间BCD转字符程序 27

4.2  水温检测软件设计 29

4.2.1  传感器操作指令 29

·4.2.2  DS18B20软件流程 30

4.2.3  获取温度子程序 30

4.3  显示模块软件设计 32

4.3.1  LCD1602指令及说明 32

4.3.2  LCD1602RAM地址映射 32

4.3.3  初始化过程 32

4.3.4  显示子程序 33

4.4  水位检测软件设计 34

4.5  按键模块软件设计 35

4.5.1  读取键值子程序 35

4.5.2  键值处理子程序 35

第五章  控制系统调试与仿真 38

5.1  总体仿真结果展示 38

5.2  自动加热仿真 39

5.3  水位检测及上水仿真 41

第六章  总结与展望 43

参考文献 44






With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, people's living standards are gradually improving. However, problems come with it, such as the energy crisis and environmental pollution, thus green development ideas gained ground. Solar energy as a new clean energy has been widely recognized, due to that it’s inexhaustible and clean, and followed by a major feature. So, promoting the use of solar energy actively is of great significance. This article will set out to design an intelligent, high-performance solar water heater control system which was designed with intelligent automation features. This design can be used as a separate control system sales also it can be installed on ordinary solar water heater to make it as a smart water heater to sell. The design will be more beneficial to promote the use of solar energy. Combined with the internet of things will attract the attention of consumers in the future and be in line with the country's current development concept.

This paper describes the basic features of the microcontroller, sensors, real-time clock, and a detailed illustration of the working principle and design of solar water heater control system. According to the design requirements, STC89C52 used here as a master chip. Other hardware includes: temperature acquisition module, water level monitoring module, key input section, LCD display window and relay control module, relay control module has automatic pumping water part and programming heating part. On the software side, using modular design makes the works steady progress. After simulation, each module of the system is working properly, which meeting to the design requirements.

Key words: Solar water heater ;Control system;Microcontroller

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