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摘 要




土木工程  钢筋混凝土结构  框架结构  楼梯  独立基础  恒载  活载  地震作用  建筑面积  荷载设计值  荷载效应   计算   概念设计  结构设计    设计理念


The paper mainly presents the design of synthetical building. This design includes construction design .Design project for graduation is civil engineering special field of study required course , It is that the synthetical building designs to originally design . This scheme adopts the cast-in-place frame structure of armored concrete . Structure rand order is three layer .Structure total height31.0 meter and surfarce area 5445 suquare meter, the floor space of ground floor is 806.88㎡. According to the designing requirement , the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees to set up defences, the grade of antidetonation is two grade, consider aseismatic design in the design. Design project include constructure part、staire and foundation ,according to assignment book define every layer blueprline and plare arrange. The agent structure is a two-way bearing frame , horizontal frame ,etc.are stepped. In is it is it calculate and component section after estimating , choose one Pin frame calculate to load to go on,  consideration substarece include select frame column section measurement and thread rigidity ;calculate seismic action produce roof beam extremity and column extremity bending moment 、shear and axle power;Frame interral force make up; Mate steel;Stairs mate steel and foundation mate steel calcucate.This office building adoupt L model arragnge .Frame be subject to power steel adoptⅡleveland hoop steel adoptⅠlevel.Staire adopt steel concrete type of meter for chinese and foundation adopt linear leaf. The whole conceptual design accords with the design and structure demand basically, have certain creativity and rationality.

Through the design of synthetical building floor construction, and drawing floor plan ,constructed profile and constructional drawing, I am familiar with the principle design of construction, and controlled the basic methods of computation of the construction design,and my work is creative. at the same time, I have a deeper understanding of the first several years’ profession learning and the foundation knowledge. as a result, My ability that analyzing and solving the actual problems is increased.

Key word:

Civil engineering   Reinforced concrete structure   frame structure  staires   linear leaf foundation    dead loads    live loads     bending moment   surface area   design value of a load     load combination  computation   Concept design  construction design   design principle

目 录

第一章 前 言 1

第二章 工程概况和结构设计方案 3

2.1 工程概况 3

2.1.1设计规模 3

2.1.2 各部分工程构造 3

2.2 结构方案设计 3

2.2.1设计资料 3

2.2.2 结构 4

第三章  结构计算 5

3.1荷载计算 5

3.1.1 初估梁柱截面 5

3.1.2 重力荷载计算 6

3.1.3 梁、柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算 7

3.2 框架内力计算 11

3.2.1采用结构设计软件PKPM进行计算 11

3.2.2 简化计算 13

3.3标准层板、次梁的结构计算 23

3.3.1板的结构计算 23

3.3.2次梁的结构计算 30

3.4楼梯结构计算 33

3.4.1 二至五层楼梯计算 33

3.4.2 底层和六层楼梯计算 36

3.5基础结构计算 38

3.5.1 基础设计 39

3.5.2 基础梁计算 53

3.6 手算与电算比较 56

第四章 结束语 57

谢 辞 59

参考文献 60

附录一 61

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