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The design of Scenic tourist service system
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

8th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology (ICICT -2018)

The design of Scenic tourist service system

ChengHu Zhang

School of Humanities and Information Management of Chengdu Medical College

Chengdu, China, 610500


Twenty-first Century is a informative era, and the rapid development of IT(information technology) has a profound impact on all fields of human beings. In this environment, IT has penetrated into all walks of life, and in the tourism industry, with the concept of "wisdom tourism”, information system which based on the tourist service and management has been developed. The purpose of this paper is to design an information system to solve the problem of tourist service in scenic spots. This system mainly includes the management of scenic spots and entertainment facilities management, hotel management, delicacy recommendation, complaint management, emergency management and so on. The system uses the B/S structure, using Java and MySQL to design. According to the general process of system development, from the system development background, needs analysis, system design, implementation, software test , this article makes a detailed description of the whole process of design and implementation of the system function.

© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology.

KeyWords:Tourist Management; Tourist Service System; Wisdom Tourism;


With the continuous development of tourism, tourism has become more and more diverse, especially with the increasing popularity of private cars, People are changing from traditional group tour to individual driving tour, Traditional tourist services in scenic spots have been unable to meet the individual needs of tourists. With the rapid development of IT, it accelerates the integration of tourism and IT, and provides technical feasibility for scenic spots transfer from traditional service to modern intelligent service. Under this background, The National Tourism Administration proposed the concept of the scenic spot of wisdom, it is constructed by communication and IT integration as the basis, focused on the interactive experience of visitors, with the integration of industry information

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address:zhang.cheng.hu@163.com

1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Congress of Information and

Communication Technology


1254 ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259

management as a guarantee, Characterized by stimulating industrial innovation and promoting upgrading of industrial structure, Tourists oriented, network support, perception, interaction and efficient service[1].

With the rapid and sustainable development, Tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries today[2]. With the tourism industry flourished, the increase in the total number of tourists and change of tourism mode make the management of scenic spots becomes more difficult. The growing demand of tourists has made they no longer satisfied with traditional tourist services. So, we want to Build an information system that focuses on tourist services in scenic spots which can simplify the management of scenic spots and provide more intuitive, high-quality and satisfactory services to tourists.

1. The overall design of the system

1.1 Function module design

The functional modules of the system are shown in table 1.

Table 1 description of system function module

Module class

Sub function

Scenic spot management

Increase,  modify,  query,  delete  scenic  information,

Characteristic tourist information, route information

Entertainment project management

Add, modify, delete, query entertainment information

Hotel Management

Add, modify, delete, query hotel information, hotel

room information

Gourmet Recommendation

Add,  delete,  modify,  and  inquire  about  gourmet


Complaint management

Complaint,  process  and  inquire  about  complaint

information and complaint handling result

Emergency information publicity

Add, modify, delete, query emergency information

system management

System  user  registration,  change  password,  add


The tourist service system is mainly used to introduce scenic attractions related information, route information, entertainment project information, hotel information, emergency information and release of the scenic scenic spot for tourists complaints.

1.2 Database design

1) E-R map of scenic spots

The information of scenic spot mainly includes some basic information such as number, name, description, location . It is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 E-R map of scenic spots


R map of Administrator Administrator information include name, number, password, information, description. It is shown in Figure 2.

Fig.2 E-R map of Administrator

ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259


3) E-R map of tourists’ complaints

The complaint mainly includes complaint number, reason of complaint, name of tourist and mobile phone number of tourist. It is shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 The E-R map of tourists’ complaints

4) E-R map of Route

The route includes number, name and route information. It is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4 The E-R map of Route

5) E-R map of delicious food Delicious food includes number, name, description, price, location, photo. It is shown in Figure 5.

1256 ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259

Fig. 5 The E-R map of delicious food

6) E-R map of hotel

Fig. 6 The E-R map of hotel

7) E-R map of room

Rooms include number, name, type, price, description. it is shown in Figure 7.

Fig.7 The E-R map of room

ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259


8) E-R map of emergency information

Emergency information includes number, name, content, status, and type of emergency information. It is shown in Figure 8.

Fig. 8 The E-R map of emergency information

2. System implementation

The visitor service system is implemented under the B/S structure, It shown in Figure 9.

Fig. 9 Browser / server schema diagram

2.1 System login

1258 ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259

1) Database connection

public Connection getConn()





// Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");

// conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/javatemp","root",""); Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver");

conn =




catch(Exception e)




return conn;


2) User login

The purpose of the system login page is to verify the user's permission , Different users can access to different system pages, and perform different operations. In this system, visitors do not need to login to the home page of the system, but administrators need to login when they enter the system background. When somebody Login, he must select user’s types, visitor or administrator. Visitors are authorized to browse the system page, publish complaints or leave message, Administrators can manage the system home page and edit all kinds of information page.

2.2 Scenic spot management

1) Scenic route recommendation

This module provides visitors with scenic routes, visitors can visit scenic spots according to the route, or online booking, to increase the satisfaction of visitors.

2) Characteristic tourist information

The characteristic scenic spot page mainly introduces the scenic spots, the scenic spots and the location. The tourist can inquires the characteristic scenic spot, So they may save their time in the process.

3) Emergency information publicity

The emergency information publicity page provides real-time scenic spot emergency information in the scenic

area, so as to avoid the risk of tourists in the course of playing, and improve the safety of tourists during the process of playing.

3. Summary

Today, with the rapid development of IT, the combination of IT and tourism has become an inevitable trend of the development of modern tourism. At present, the scenic e-commerce platform is mainly divided into three major functional modules, namely tourism management, tourism marketing and tourism services [3]. In the three systems, tourism management and tourism marketing is the basic construction of scenic spot, is the basic premise to realize spot fine service and an important guarantee. Tourism service is the ultimate goal of the construction of scenic spots.

The development of tourist service system can provide one-stop service for tourists. Through the network platform of the system, Visitors can obtain scenic spots, scenic routes, food, play and other information, can publish

ChengHu Zhang / Procedia Computer Science 131 (2018) 1253–1259


complaints. The tourist service system facilitates the tourists to obtain the relevant information of scenic spots, and also helps the scenic managers to manage the scenic spots. Through the system, Scenic area administrator can release travel emergency information, help tourists avoid the danger in the scenic spot. Through handling the complaints of tourists, the administrator gets the deficiency of the service and management in the scenic spots, so as to improve the management and service quality of the scenic spots.


1.XiaoPing Zhang, GuiPing Deng. Discussion on the construction of intelligent scenic spot[N]. China Travel News, 2010-01-18.

2. Tao Yun, Zhu Fang. Discussion on the construction of intelligent scenic spot based on tourist experience-Take natural scenic spot as an example. Contemporary tourism, 2013, 3(10):34-39.

Xian Feng Deng, Xiao Hai Zhang. Research on the overall framework of Nanjing wisdom Tourism. Travel Forum, 2012, 27(5):119-12

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