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摘  要





With the improvement of people's living standard and the acceleration of life rhythm,convenient and fast mechanical products play a more and more important role in daily life. Supermarket shopping cart is an indispensable tool in our life,which is closely related to the daily life of the people. This paper takes the portable shopping cart as the research object and optimizes its design. On the basis of the existing supermarket shopping cart,it can increase the brake mechanism,increase the space utilization rate,increase the storage safety system to improve the safety and make the consumer use more convenient,fast and comfortable. With the rapid development of economy,the era of science and technology begins. While the economy is booming,shopping carts  More and more attention has been paid to the outside world,the design of supermarket shopping cart in our country is still in its infancy,so the design of supermarket shopping cart has a huge development space. This paper studies the modeling design of portable shopping cart and puts forward the concrete design idea.

The object of this project is portable shopping cart,through investigation to understand the advantages and disadvantages of shopping cart and portable shopping cart on the market,and improve the shortcomings. Finally,a new type of portable shopping cart is designed. The selection of materials ensures the carrying capacity and structure strength of portable shopping cart.

Keywords: portable;shopping cart;3D modeling;UG

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3发展趋势 3

1.4研究思路 4

1.5研究主要内容 7

2 便携式购物车总体结构设计 8

2.1 便携式产品设计中的常见问题 8

2.1.1 便携式产品使用过程中,功能之间相互影响 8

2.1.2 便携式造成成本的浪费 8

2.1.3 便携式造成功能浪费 8

2.2 产品的人性化设计方法 8

2.2.1 设计思维 9

2.2.2 功能规划 9

2.2.3 造型语意 9

2.2.4 材料选择 9

2.2.5 色彩运用 10

2.2.6 操作界面 10

2.3 购物车材料的选择 10

2.4 购物车的设计 11

2.4.1 购物车的三种情况示意图 11

2.4.2 转向问题 13

2.4.3各种转向轮的功能 14

3 便携式购物车三维仿真设计 16

3.1 动态仿真概述 16

3.1.1 动态仿真的起源 16

3.1.2 仿真技术在产品开发制造过程中的应用 16

3.2 便携式购物车的动态仿真 17

3.2.1 机构运动仿真 17

3.2.2 便携式购物车模拟仿真 18

4 便携式购物车主要部件设计 22

4.1 可折叠拉杆部分 22

4.2 拉杆固定架部分 22

4.3 底座固定架部分 23

4.4底座支撑架的设计 24

4.5连接器的设计 25

4.6 受力分析 25

5 便携式购物车三维装配设计 26

结  论 28

致  谢 29

参考文献 30

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