摘 要
With the development of modern industry and the continuous improvement of mechanization and automation level,various industrial departments need a large number of reducers,and require that the reducer is small in size,light in weight,large in transmission ratio,high in efficiency,large in carrying capacity,reliable in operation and long in life. Although there are many kinds of reducers,the common cylindrical gear reducers are large in size and bulky in structure;the common worm gear reducers have low efficiency when the transmission ratio is large;the cycloidal needle-wheel reducers can meet the above requirements,but their cost is high and need special equipment to manufacture;and the planetary reducers with less tooth difference can not only basically meet the above requirements,but also can be used by universal cutting tools in gear inserts machine processing,so the cost is lower.
This design in the washing machine using planetary gear reducer is the use of planetary gear transmission: small size,small mass,compact structure,large bearing capacity;high transmission efficiency;relatively large transmission;smooth movement,strong ability to resist impact and vibration,low noise characteristics. The planetary gear deceleration is actually the principle of gear deceleration. It has a gear with fixed axis position called the central wheel or the sun wheel. It has a gear with change on the edge of the sun wheel,that is,the gear with both rotation and rotation is called the planetary wheel,and the planetary wheel has a supporting component called the planetary rack,through which the power is transmitted to the shaft and then to it It's a gear. they consist of a set of several gears to form a gear train. There is only one prime mover,and this revolving gear train is called a planetary gear train.
The design content is mainly to understand the development of planetary gear reducer;to use the knowledge learned to analyze and study it,so that students can fully understand and master the use of reference books,design methods and steps. Understand the development of automatic washing machine planetary gear reducer at home and abroad;automatic washing machine rotary system scheme design;planetary gear reducer structure design;rotary mechanism design calculation.
Keywords:washing machine;planetary gear;reducer;rotary system;CAD
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2国内外发展现状 2
1.2.1国外发展史 2
1.2.2国内研究状况 2
1.2.3发展趋势 3
1.3研究主要内容 3
2设计参数及系统构成 4
2.1设计参数 4
2.2系统组成框图 4
3自动洗衣机行星齿轮传动系统设计 6
3.1传动系统方案设计 6
3.1.1对传动方案的要求 6
3.1.2拟定传动方案 6
3.2行星齿轮传动设计 7
3.2.1行星齿轮传动的传动比和效率计算 7
3.2.2行星齿轮传动的配齿计算 7
3.2.3行星齿轮传动的几何尺寸和啮合参数计算 9
3.2.4行星齿轮传动强度计算及校核 11
3.2.5行星齿轮传动的受力分析 15
3.2.6行星齿轮传动的均载机构及浮动量 17
3.2.7轮间载荷分布均匀的措施 17
4行星轮架与输出轴间齿轮传动的设计 19
4.1轮材料及精度等级 19
4.2按齿面接触疲劳强度设计 19
4.3按齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 20
4.4主要尺寸计算 20
4.5验算齿轮的圆周速度v 21
5行星轮系减速器齿轮输入输出轴设计 22
5.1减速器输入轴的设计 22
5.1.1选择轴的材料,确定许用应力 22
5.1.2按扭转强度估算轴径 22
5.1.3确定各轴段的直径 22
5.1.4确定各轴段的长度 22
5.1.5校核轴 23
5.2行星轮系减速器齿轮输出轴的设计 24
5.2.1选择轴的材料,确定许用应力 24
5.2.2按扭转强度估算轴径 24
5.2.3确定各轴段的直径 24
5.2.4确定各轴段的长度 24
5.2.5校核轴 25
总 结 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29