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摘  要






The traditional examination also along with the Internet big stream unceasingly reforms,the innovation way online examination is gradually being recognized and utilized by the people. The online examination gets rid of the single mode of the traditional examination,greatly improves the students' learning ability and efficiency,reduces the teacher's teaching burden,saves the working time,facilitates the teacher to have more teaching methods and teaching mode to the students according to the examination data analysis,enhances the work efficiency at the same time student's study achievement.

This paper mainly describes the background of graduation design and the overall design of test paper automatic generation examination system,detailed requirements analysis,system design,database design. This system design uses the DreamWeaver,Myeclipese as the development tool,uses the Java technology,the mvc pattern,the Mysql database development examination paper automatic generation examination system,it has the student registration,the login,the online examination,the examination result and the examination paper after the examination,the teacher logs in,randomly questions into the paper,the examination paper management,sets the examination basic function.

This paper mainly expounds the background technology and implementation principle of automatic test paper generation examination system. The system is divided into three modules: administrator module,teacher module and student module. The core functions of the system are concentrated in the modules of teacher's examination paper,management of examination paper,setting up examination paper,examination paper correction,score analysis,student examination,checking score,test paper analysis and so on. At the end of the paper,some problems and solutions in the system development process are described.

Keywords: test papers;automatic generation;examination system;test papers;results;statistics


摘  要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3研究主要内容 2

2系统工具 4

2.1 Myeclipse 4

2.2 Mysql数据库 4

2.3 Tomcat  4

2.4 JSP技术(Java Server Page) 5

2.5系统开发环境概述 5

2.5.1硬件环境 5

2.5.2软件环境 5

3系统分析 7

3.1可行性分析 7

3.1.1技术可行性 7

3.1.2经济可行性 7

3.1.3 操作可行性 7

3.1.4 法律可行性 7

3.2 需求分析 8

3.2.1系统全局 8

3.2.2 系统类 15

4数据库设计 23

4.1数据库分析设计 23

4.1.1 系统功能分析 23

4.1.2数据库的设计 23

4.2数据库概念结构设计 24

4.2.1建立数据库的原则 24

4.2.2建立字段的原则 25

4.2.3数据库表的实体E-R图 25

4.3数据库的结构表 33

5系统实现 38

5.1连接数据库 38

5.2 登录注册模块 38

5.2.1 管理员登录 38

5.2.2教师登录 39

5.2.3学生登录 40

5.2.4 学生注册 40

5.3新增考卷、新增考试、自动批改试卷、查看成绩 41

5.3.1 新增考卷 41

5.3.1 新增考试 44

5.3.3 批改试卷 48

5.3.4 查看班级平均分 50

5.4学生参加考试、查看成绩及试卷 50

6系统测试 56

6.1 软件测试 56

6.2 软件测试的目标及方法 56

6.3 系统测试名称和测试内容 56

6.4测试用例 58

6.4测试结果 59

总  结 60

致  谢 61

参考文献 62

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